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How to compare two formula (calculated) cells in Google Sheets

I am trying to compare two formula (calculated) cells in Google Sheets but I am getting: Error - Formula parse error .

The two cells are:

  • =IF(OR(ISBLANK(E5), ISBLANK(H5)),"", E5-H5)
  • =IF(OR(ISBLANK(E5), ISBLANK(J5)),"", E5-J5)

And the cell I am trying to compare them in is:

  • =IF(K5==K4, "yes", "no")

An help on how to compare these cells?

只使用一个 = 符号:

=IF(K5=K4, "yes", "no")

Tested your scenario and found out that if you have values on E5 and H5, then it works as long as it is numeric. Do something like


So, if both cells are numbers, we subtract them, otherwise we have an empty value.

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