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@RequestMapping 注解是 DWR 的替代品吗?

[英]Is @RequestMapping annotation a replacement of DWR?

I'm new to the spring-boot framework and a little bit confused.我是 spring-boot 框架的新手,有点困惑。
Previously we use DWR to convert JAVA method in server's war package to javascript function.之前我们使用DWR将服务器war包中的JAVA方法转换为javascript函数。 In Spring boot is the annotation @RequestMapping do the same?在 Spring boot 中,注解 @RequestMapping 是否也一样? Thx.谢谢。

No, the @RequestMapping annotation is not related to Direct Web Remoting .不,@ RequestMapping 注释Direct Web Remoting无关。 The annotation is used in the controller layer of Spring web applications to map requests onto methods.该注解用于 Spring Web 应用程序的控制器层以将请求映射到方法上。

A typical example for a RequestMapping looks as follows: RequestMapping典型示例如下所示:

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, path = "/users")
public ResponseEntity<List<Post>> getPosts() {

This will map incoming GET requests to path /users to this method.这会将传入的GET请求映射到此方法的路径/users

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