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无法将字符串转换为 int 或 float

[英]Can't convert strings to int or float

So I was able to fix the first issue with you guys help but now that th program is running without any errors, it's not calculating the average correctly and I'm not sure why.所以我能够在你们的帮助下解决第一个问题,但是现在程序运行没有任何错误,它没有正确计算平均值,我不知道为什么。 Here's what it looks like:这是它的样子:

def calcAverage():
with open('numbers.dat', 'r') as numbers_file:
    numbers = 0
    amount = 0

    for line in numbers_file:
        amount = amount + float(line)
        numbers += 1

average = amount / numbers
print("The average of the numbers in the file is:",average)

You're reassigning line after you check whether line is empty in the while .检查while中的line是否为空后,您正在重新分配line The while test is testing the previous line in the file. while测试正在测试文件中的前一行。

So when you get to the end, you read a blank line and try to add it to the amount , but get an error.所以当你读到最后时,你读到一个空行并尝试将它添加到amount ,但得到一个错误。

You're also never adding the first line, since you read it before the loop and never add that to amount .您也永远不会添加第一行,因为您在循环之前阅读了它并且永远不会将其添加到amount

Use a for loop instead of while , it will stop automatically when it reaches the end.使用for循环而不是while ,它会在到达结束时自动停止。

def calcAverage():
    with open('numbers.dat', 'r') as numbers_file:
        numbers = 0
        amount = 0
        for line in numbers_file:
            amount = amount + float(line)
            numbers += 1
    average = amount / numbers
    print("The average of the numbers in the file is:",average)

If you do want to use a while loop, do it like this:如果您确实想使用while循环,请这样做:

while True:
    line = numbers_file.readline()
    if not line:

    # rest of loop

Error shows that you have empty string in line .错误显示您在line有空字符串。

You can get the same error with float('')你可以用float('')得到同样的错误

You run code in wrong order - you read new line before converting previous line.您以错误的顺序运行代码 - 在转换前一行之前读取新行。
And you should strip line because it still have \\n你应该剥离线,因为它仍然有\\n

You need你需要

line = numbers_file.readline()
line = line.strip()  # remove `\n` (and `\t` and spaces)

while line != '':

    # convert current line
    amount = amount + float(line)  

    numbers += 1

    # read next line
    line = numbers_file.readline()
    line = line.strip()  # remove `\n` (and `\t` and spaces)

You could also use for -loop for this您也可以为此使用for -loop

numbers = []

for line in numbers_file:
    line = line.strip()  # remove `\n` (and `\t` and spaces)
    if line:
       numbers.append( float(line) )
    #   break

average = sum(numbers) / len(numbers)

and this could be reduced to这可以减少到

numbers = [float(line) for line in numbers_file if line.strip() != '']

average = sum(numbers) / len(numbers)

Other answers illustrated how to read a file line-by-line.其他答案说明了如何逐行读取文件。 Some of them dealt with issues like reaching end-of-file (EOF) and invalid input for conversion to float.其中一些处理诸如到达文件结尾 (EOF) 和用于转换为浮点数的无效输入等问题。

Since any I/O and UI can be expected to give invalid input, I want to stress on validation before processing the input as expected.由于任何 I/O 和 UI 都可能会提供无效输入,因此我想在按预期处理输入之前强调验证。


For each line read from an input console or file alike, you should consider validating.对于从输入控制台或类似文件读取的每一行,您应该考虑进行验证。

  • What happens if the string is empty ?如果字符串为会发生什么? Converting an empty string input to float 将空字符串输入转换为浮点数
  • What happens if the string contains special chars ?如果字符串包含特殊字符会发生什么? like commented by Mat喜欢Mat 的评论
  • What happens if the number does not fit your expected float ?如果数字不符合您的预期float怎样? (value range, decimal precision) (取值范围,小数精度)
  • What happens if nothing read or reached end-of-file ?如果没有读取或到达文件尾会发生什么 (empty file or EOF) (空文件或 EOF)

Advice: To make it robust, expect input errors and catch them.建议:为了使其健壮,预期输入错误并捕获它们。

(a) using try-except construct for error-handling in Python: (a) 在 Python 中使用try-except构造进行错误处理:

for line in numbers_file:
        amount = amount + float(line)
        numbers += 1
    except ValueError:
        print "Read line was not a float, but: '{}'".format(line)

(b) testing on input ahead: In a more simple way, you could also test manually using basic if statements like: (b) 提前测试输入:以更简单的方式,您还可以使用基本的if语句手动测试,例如:

if line == "":  # on empty string received
    print("WARNING: read an empty line! This won't be used for calculating average.")  # show problem and consequences
    continue  # stop here and continue with next for-iteration (jump to next line)

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