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[英]Full screen background regardless of screen size and keep image aspect ratio

I have a 540x720 background image.我有一个 540x720 的背景图片。

I need to show it in full screen regardless of screen size and resolution (My game will run on desktop and on Android) and regardless of portrait/landscape mode.无论屏幕大小和分辨率如何(我的游戏将在桌面和 Android 上运行),无论纵向/横向模式如何,我都需要以全屏方式显示它。

I want to keep the aspect ratio of the image, if necessary by cropping the image.如有必要,我想通过裁剪图像来保持图像的纵横比。

I have already tried ScreenViewport and ExtendViewport but when resizing the window, the background is no longer full screen (for example if the window becomes horizontal) and letter-boxing occurs (showing white side bars).我已经尝试过 ScreenViewport 和 ExtendViewport,但是在调整窗口大小时,背景不再是全屏(例如,如果窗口变为水平)并且出现信箱(显示白色边栏)。

public class MainMenuScreen implements Screen, InputProcessor {
    final MyGame game;
    TextureRegionDrawable textureRegionDrawableBackground = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(new Texture(game.backgroundFileName)));
    Stage stageBackground = new Stage(new ScreenViewport());
    // Stage stageBackground = new Stage(new ExtendViewport(Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight(), new OrthographicCamera(Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight())));
    Image image = new Image(textureRegionDrawableBackground);
    image.setPosition(0, 0);
    // makes the background as tall as the screen while maintaining its aspect ratio
    image.setWidth(Gdx.graphics.getHeight() * textureRegionDrawableBackground.getRegion().getRegionWidth() / textureRegionDrawableBackground.getRegion().getRegionHeight());

public void render(float delta) {

public void resize(int width, int height) {
    stageBackground.getViewport().update(width, height, true);

How to achieve that?如何做到这一点?


Use FillViewport which will maintain aspect ratio and be full screen by cropping part of the image.使用FillViewport ,它将通过裁剪图像的一部分来保持纵横比并全屏显示。

See here https://gamefromscratch.com/libgdx-tutorial-part-17-viewports/请参阅此处https://gamefromscratch.com/libgdx-tutorial-part-17-viewports/

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