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复制和拆分制表符和分号分隔的 csv 文件

[英]Duplicating and splitting tab- and semicolon-delimited csv file

I have a .csv file that is tab-delimited with the following data:我有一个以制表符分隔的 .csv 文件,其中包含以下数据:

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
  123      a      v; w     t
  456      b    x; y; z    u

I would like to split items within column3 separated by the semicolon ;我想拆分 column3 中以分号分隔的项目; into individual rows and duplicate the other information that belongs to its row.并复制属于其行的其他信息。

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
  123      a       v       t
  123      a       w       t
  456      b       x       u
  456      b       y       u
  456      b       z       u

I am new to using R and will greatly appreciate some ideas on how to perform this.我是使用 R 的新手,非常感谢有关如何执行此操作的一些想法。 Thank you!谢谢!

Does this work:这是否有效:

df %>% separate_rows(Column3, sep = '; ')
# A tibble: 5 x 4
  Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
    <int> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
1     123 a       v       t      
2     123 a       w       t      
3     456 b       x       u      
4     456 b       y       u      
5     456 b       z       u      

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