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ReactJs Antd - window.open 动态 url

[英]ReactJs Antd - window.open an url dynamically

Im using the below code to open an url on a popup window.我使用下面的代码在弹出窗口中打开一个 url。

        title: 'Contract',
        dataIndex: 'index',
        key: 'contract',
        render: (text,record,index) =>
            <button onClick={() => window.open({record.contract}, "Popup","width=600, height=600")}>

The issue is that i can't call the object value {record.contract} .问题是我不能调用对象值{record.contract} It throws the Unexpected token, expected "," error.它抛出Unexpected token, expected ","错误。

Can someone help?有人可以帮忙吗?

Unexpected Token errors normally happen when your the programming syntax is not correct.当您的编程语法不正确时,通常会发生意外的令牌错误。

{record.contract} is not valid syntax. {record.contract}不是有效的语法。

when passing to a method inside an event, you should use the variable name directly.当传递给事件内的方法时,您应该直接使用变量名。 the correct syntax for your button will be:您的按钮的正确语法是:

<button onClick={() => window.open(record.contract, "Popup","width=600, height=600")}>

This will solve the unexpected token error.这将解决意外的令牌错误。

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