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为 priority_queue 使用自定义比较器会增加时间 C++

[英]Using custom comparator for priority_queue increases time C++

For this question on leetcode, using dijkstra algo :对于 leetcode 上的这个问题,使用dijkstra算法:

You are a hiker preparing for an upcoming hike.你是一名徒步旅行者,为即将到来的徒步旅行做准备。 You are given heights, a 2D array of size rows x columns, where heights[row][col] represents the height of cell (row, col).给定高度,一个大小为行 x 列的二维数组,其中 heights[row][col] 表示单元格的高度(row, col)。 You are situated in the top-left cell, (0, 0), and you hope to travel to the bottom-right cell, (rows-1, columns-1) (ie, 0-indexed).您位于左上角的单元格 (0, 0),您希望移动到右下角的单元格 (rows-1, columns-1)(即 0 索引)。 You can move up, down, left, or right, and you wish to find a route that requires the minimum effort.您可以向上、向下、向左或向右移动,并且您希望找到一条需要最少努力的路线。

A route's effort is the maximum absolute difference in heights between two consecutive cells of the route.路线的努力是路线的两个连续像元之间高度的最大绝对差。

Return the minimum effort required to travel from the top-left cell to the bottom-right cell.返回从左上角单元格移动到右下角单元格所需的最小努力。

I am getting TLE time limit exceeded if I use priority_queue with struct .如果我将priority_queuestruct一起使用,则会超出TLE时间限制。 Can anyone help me figure out the reason?谁能帮我找出原因?

TLE code : TLE 代码:

struct heapNode
    int w;
    int i;
    int j;

    heapNode(int n1, int n2, int n3) : w(n1), i(n2), j(n3)

struct Comp {
    bool operator()(heapNode const& p1, heapNode const& p2)
        // return "true" if "p1" is ordered
        // before "p2", for example:
        return p1.w < p2.w;

class Solution {
    int minimumEffortPath(vector<vector<int>>& heights) {
        int r  = heights.size(), c = heights[0].size();
        int dirs[5] = {-1, 0, 1, 0, -1};
        priority_queue<heapNode,vector<heapNode>,Comp> minheap; 
        vector<vector<int>> effort(r,vector<int>(c,INT_MAX));
        // effort[0][0] = 0;
            auto top = minheap.top(); minheap.pop();
            int w = top.w;
            int i = top.i;
            int j = top.j;
            if (w >= effort[i][j]) continue;
                effort[i][j] = w;
            for(int k = 0;k<4;k++)
                int x = i + dirs[k], y = j + dirs[k + 1];
                if(x>=0 && y>=0 && x<r && y<c)
                        int t = max(w, abs(heights[i][j] - heights[x][y]));
        return effort[r-1][c-1];

Working Code :工作代码:

using pii = pair<int,int>;

class Solution {
    int minimumEffortPath(vector<vector<int>>& heights) {
        int r  = heights.size(), c = heights[0].size();
        int dirs[5] = {-1, 0, 1, 0, -1};
        priority_queue<pii,vector<pii>,greater<pii>> minheap; 
        vector<vector<int>> effort(r,vector<int>(c,INT_MAX));
        effort[0][0] = 0;
            auto top = minheap.top(); minheap.pop();
            int w = top.first;
            int i = top.second / 100, j = top.second % 100;
            for(int k = 0;k<4;k++)
                int x = i + dirs[k], y = j + dirs[k + 1];
                if(x>=0 && y>=0 && x<r && y<c)
                    if(effort[x][y] > max(w, abs(heights[i][j] - heights[x][y])))
                        effort[x][y] = max(w, abs(heights[i][j] - heights[x][y]));
        return effort[r-1][c-1];

Your question does not describe how "effort" is to be calculated.您的问题没有描述如何计算“努力”。

Assuming that effort to travel from adjacent cells a,b is calculated as假设从相邻单元 a,b 移动的努力计算为

sqrt( 1 + ( height(a) - (height(b) )^2 )

An application to solve this problem is described here https://github.com/JamesBremner/PathFinder2/wiki/Hills此处描述了解决此问题的应用程序https://github.com/JamesBremner/PathFinder2/wiki/Hills

There are two steps.有两个步骤。

  1. Convert the orthogonal grid to a graph with costed links将正交网格转换为具有成本链接的图

  2. Run Dijsktra to find the cheapest route from source to destination运行 Dijsktra 以查找从源到目的地的最便宜的路线

The github repo linked to above has c++ code that can solve this very quickly ( one hundred thousand cells in less than a second. )上面链接的 github 存储库有 C++ 代码,可以非常快速地解决这个问题(不到一秒钟就可以解决十万个单元。)

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