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伙计们,我是 python 新手,请帮助我理解为什么我的代码给我“无”作为输出?

[英]Guys I am new to python, can please help me understand why my code is giving me “none” as output?

def deal_card():

    cards = [11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10]
    card = random.choice(cards)
    return card

user_cards = []

computer_cards = [] 

for _ in range(2):


draw_another_card = input("Type 'y' to get another card, type 'n' to pass : ")

if draw_another_card == "y":

    new_user_cards = user_cards.append(deal_card())
    new_computer_cards = computer_cards.append(deal_card())

when I print new_user_cards, it shows none.当我打印 new_user_cards 时,它显示没有。 I don't understand why, I googled a lot but couldn't get any answers.我不明白为什么,我用谷歌搜索了很多,但没有得到任何答案。

The random function is from replit.随机函数来自replit。

I would really like to what is going wrong in the above code!我真的很想知道上面的代码出了什么问题!

In addition to the comments of @ThierryLathuille and @Sujay.除了@ThierryLathuille 和@Sujay 的评论。

If you want the new_user_card and new_computer_card values, you can:如果您想要new_user_cardnew_computer_card值,您可以:


    new_user_cards = user_cards.append(deal_card())
    new_computer_cards = computer_cards.append(deal_card())


    new_user_card = deal_card()  # without plural because there is only one
    new_computer_card = deal_card()  # without plural because there is only one


    new_user_card = user_cards[-1]  # last item of the list
    new_computer_card = computer_cards[-1]  # last item of the list


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