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[英]Select different values from multiple dropdown lists have same data

Right now when I select an option from first selectlist, it automatically set the 2nd select list value, but I want if I select an option from first select list it should be set the value of first select and same for 2nd select list.现在,当我从第一个选择列表中选择一个选项时,它会自动设置第二个选择列表的值,但是我想如果我从第一个选择列表中选择一个选项,它应该设置第一个选择的值,并且第二个选择列表的值相同。

  import React, {useState} from "react";

    const options = [
        label: "Acai Berry",
        value: "acaiberry",
        color: "#FF4D4D",
        quantity: 1,
        price: 20

        label: "Blood Orange",
        value: "bloodorange",
        color: "#FF4D4D",
        quantity: 1,
        price: 32

        label: "Honey Ginger Lemon",
        value: "honeyginger",
        quantity: 1,
        color: "#FF4D4D",
        price: 17

    const RandomizerComponent = () => {
    const [bundle, setBundle] = useState("acaiberry");

    const handleChange = (e) => {
    const spin = () => {

    const randomItems = () => {
        const length = selectItems.length;
        const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * length);
        const data = selectItems[randomIndex].value;

    const quantity = 2;
    // Rabdomizer Qunatity and Data
    const quantityOfSomething = new Array(quantity).fill(options);

    return (
        <h1 style={{textAlign: "center"}}>CONFIRM SELECTION</h1>
        <div className="select-container">
            <div className="select-Wrapper">
            {quantityOfSomething.map((item, index) => (
                <div key={`${item}-${index}`}>
                    {item.map((option, index) => (
                    <option key={index} value={option.value}>
                    .filter((option) => option.value == bundle)
                    .map((filteredBundle, index) => (
                        <div className="image-wrapper" key={index}>
                        <img src={filteredBundle.image} alt="" />
            <button onClick={spin} className="spin-btn">

    export default Randomizer;

Here is the output of above code这是上面代码的输出


Here is the reference website: https://simulate.com/buy/这是参考网站: https : //simulate.com/buy/

Your this code:你的这个代码:

<select value={bundle} onChange={handleChange} className="selectList" >

It is running through map but in both the select boxes you assign value={bundle}.它通过地图运行,但在两个选择框中都分配了 value={bundle}。 Therefore whenever you setBundle , it will impact states of both the select boxes.因此,无论何时setBundle ,它都会影响两个选择框的状态。

Kindly assign individual ids and check which selectbox was changed or create two separate change handlers and bind events to them separately.请分配单独的 id 并检查哪个选择框已更改或创建两个单独的更改处理程序并将事件分别绑定到它们。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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