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异步滚动事件问题。 纯JS

[英]Asynchronous scroll event issue. Pure JS

I am running JavaScript in a Web Worker with use of AMP script.我正在使用 AMP 脚本在 Web Worker 中运行 JavaScript。 There are two event listeners - mouseenter and mouseout.有两个事件侦听器 - mouseenter 和 mouseout。 Both events work as supposed to, tooltipElem appears on mouse enter and disappears on mouse out.这两个事件都按预期工作, tooltipElem在鼠标进入时出现并在鼠标离开时消失。 Here is my code:这是我的代码:

    const button = document.querySelector('.tooltip-trigger');
    let tooltipElem;

    button.addEventListener("mouseenter", async function(event) {
        let target = event.target;

        let tooltipHtml = target.getAttribute('data-tooltip-text');
        if (!tooltipHtml) return;   

        tooltipElem = document.createElement('span');
        tooltipElem.innerHTML = tooltipHtml;

        /* ... */


    button.addEventListener("mouseout", async function(event) {
        if (tooltipElem) {
            tooltipElem = null;

When scroll event fired tooltipElem is removed, but then I am unable to show it again on button element click.当滚动事件触发tooltipElem被删除时,但我无法在button元素单击时再次显示它。 To make mouseenter work again I have to click at any other point on screen (feels like mouseout fixes it).为了让mouseenter再次工作,我必须点击屏幕上的任何其他点(感觉像mouseout修复了它)。

Doesn't work:不起作用:

    document.addEventListener("scroll", async function(event) {
        if (tooltipElem) {
            tooltipElem = null;

Tried to use interval, also doesn't work:尝试使用间隔,也不起作用:

    var scrolling = false;

    document.addEventListener("scroll", async function() {
        scrolling = true;

    setInterval( function() {
        if (scrolling) {
            scrolling = false;
            if (tooltipElem) {
                tooltipElem = null;
    }, 100 );

What can be wrong with my async scroll ?我的异步scroll什么问题? Maybe event is not finished or memory leaks?也许事件未完成或内存泄漏? No errors...没有错误...

Here is a video, demonstrating scroll issue in the end (on second block).这是一个视频,最终演示了滚动问题(在第二个块上)。 https://streamable.com/y53749 https://streamable.com/y53749

Figured out that the problem is in mouseenter event listener, so replaced it with click on touch devices and mouseenter on non-touch devices;发现问题出在mouseenter事件监听器上,于是用click on touch devices and mouseenter on non-touch devices; Didn't managed to detect device in amp-script web worker using JS, so used Wordpress wp_is_mobile() function;没有设法使用 JS 在amp-script web worker 中检测设备,所以使用 Wordpress wp_is_mobile()函数;

    <?php if ( wp_is_mobile() ) : ?>
    // Click (async)
    button.addEventListener("click", addTooltip, false);
    <?php else : ?>

    // Mouseover (async)
    button.addEventListener("mouseover", addTooltip, false);
    <?php endif; ?>

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