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强制用户在 Python 中只输入 Y 或 N

[英]Force user to input only Y or N in Python

I'm new in programming and my first assessment is creating a program that asks a few questions to the user.我是编程新手,我的第一个评估是创建一个向用户提出几个问题的程序。 The first question requires the user to answer Y or N and I would like to force the user to only do it, by keep asking them the same question until the user type Y or N, without accepting any other letter or number or symbols.第一个问题要求用户回答 Y 或 N,我想强制用户只做它,不断问他们同样的问题,直到用户输入 Y 或 N,不接受任何其他字母或数字或符号。 If the answer in N, then the user is asked another question (which is apparently working for me) and so on.如果答案是 N,那么用户会被问到另一个问题(这显然对我有用)等等。

I am trying to use while loop and now I'm lost:我正在尝试使用 while 循环,现在我迷路了:

print("Phase vaccine rollout (PVR) v1.0")

phase1a = input("Are you a quarantine and border worker,\n\
prioritised frontline healthcare worker, or\n\
an aged care/disability care staff member or resident (Y/N)?: ")

while phase1a.upper() == "Y" or "N":

 if phase1a.upper() == "Y":
     print("Vaccines will be made available to you in Phase 1a")

 elif phase1a.upper() == "N":
     phase1b = input("Are you a health care worker, or\n\
a critical or high risk worker (including defence,\n\
police, fire, emergency services and meat processing (Y/N)?: ")


# --- and from here I will continue with the phase1b... # --- 从这里我将继续阶段1b ...

Thank you!谢谢!

Instead of while phase1a.upper() == "Y" or "N": , you could write:而不是while phase1a.upper() == "Y" or "N": ,你可以写:

while phase1a.upper() != "Y" and phase1a.upper() != "N":
  print("Invalid input. Please enter "Y" or "N".)
  phase1a = input("Are you a quarantine and border worker,\n\
  prioritised frontline healthcare worker, or\n\
  an aged care/disability care staff member or resident (Y/N)?: ")

You will have to restructure your if statement a bit but hopefully this shows you the idea.您将不得不稍微重组您的if语句,但希望这可以向您展示这个想法。 This will force the user to keep entering input until he/she enters "Y" or "N".这将迫使用户继续输入,直到他/她输入“Y”或“N”。

Using a while True loop will do the trick....使用while True循环可以解决问题....

print("Phase vaccine rollout (PVR) v1.0")

while True:
 phase1a = input("Are you a quarantine and border worker,\n\
prioritised frontline healthcare worker, or\n\
an aged care/disability care staff member or resident (Y/N)?: ")
 if phase1a.upper() == "Y":
     print("Vaccines will be made available to you in Phase 1a")

 elif phase1a.upper() == "N":
     phase1b = input("Are you a health care worker, or\n\
a critical or high risk worker (including defence,\n\
police, fire, emergency services and meat processing (Y/N)?: ")

# --- and from here I will continue with the phase1b...

We will be using while True that will end with a else statement which will ask for the user to repeat their input if it is not Y/N.我们将使用 while True ,它将以 else 语句结束,如果不是 Y/N,它将要求用户重复他们的输入。 Also to note: You will have to add the result if the user inputs N.另请注意:如果用户输入 N,则必须添加结果。

print("Phase vaccine rollout (PVR) v1.0")

phase1a = input("Are you a quarantine and border worker,\n\
prioritised frontline healthcare worker, or\n\
an aged care/disability care staff member or resident (Y/N)?: ")

while  True:

    if phase1a.upper() == "Y":
        print("\nVaccines will be made available to you in Phase 1a\n")

    elif phase1a.upper() == "N":
        phase1b = input("Are you a health care worker, or\n\
        a critical or high risk worker (including defence,\n\
        police, fire, emergency services and meat processing (Y/N)?: ")

       phase1a = input("\nAre you a quarantine and border worker,\n\
       prioritised frontline healthcare worker, or\n\
       an aged care/disability care staff member or resident (Y/N)?: ")

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