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使用无服务器部署 express 时出现内部服务器错误

[英]internal server error with when deploying express with serverless

im facing a problem that i really couldn't resolve for days, I am trying to deploy my express app to AWS using serverless, but when I try to access the endpoint I receive this error我遇到了几天都无法解决的问题,我正在尝试使用无服务器将我的 Express 应用程序部署到 AWS,但是当我尝试访问端点时,我收到此错误

{"message": "Internal server error"} {“消息”:“内部服务器错误”}

i really can't figure out the problem also viewed the other similar questions but nothing works我真的无法弄清楚问题也查看了其他类似的问题,但没有任何效果

here is my serverless.yml这是我的 serverless.yml

    service: my-express-application

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs14.x
  stage: dev
  region: us-east-1

    handler: app.handler
      - http: ANY /
      - http: 'ANY /{proxy+}'

and this is my app.js这是我的 app.js

const keys = require("./config/keys");
const activitiesRoutes = require("./routes/activity");
const app = express();
const bodyParser = require("body-parser");
const router = express.Router();
const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
    region: "us-east-1",
var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();

// set view engine
app.set("view engine", "ejs");

// set up session cookies
        maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
        keys: [keys.session.cookieKey],

// initialize passport

// connect to mongodb
mongoose.connect(keys.mongodb.dbURI, () => {
    console.log("connected to mongodb");

// set up routes


app.listen(3000, () => {
    console.log("app now listening for requests on port 3000");
module.exports = serverless(app);

One problem I see it that you are not exporting your handler method correctly.我发现一个问题是您没有正确导出handler方法。 Change this line改变这一行

module.exports = serverless(app);

to this:对此:

module.exports.handler = serverless(app);

(Per this .) (根据这个。)


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