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Express Amplify Serverless/GraphQL 与 Express 服务器端后端

[英]Express Amplify Serverless/GraphQL vs Express Server-Side backend

What are the pros and cons of using Amplify Express serverless https://docs.amplify.aws/guides/api-rest/express-server/q/platform/js/ or Amplify GraphQL compared to using Express hosted server-side (REST or GraphQL) for mobile app backend?与使用 Express 托管服务器端( REST或 GraphQL)用于移动应用程序后端?

I guess it depends on how you would host your "Express hosted server-side"?我想这取决于您将如何托管“Express 托管服务器端”?

The big advantage of Amplify is that it's serverless, meaning it scales automaticaly. Amplify 的一大优势是它是无服务器的,这意味着它可以自动扩展。 If you were for example to host your Express on EC2, you will have to manage scaling yourself (+ have to manage your Node server, etc)例如,如果你在 EC2 上托管你的 Express,你将不得不自己管理扩展(+ 必须管理你的节点服务器等)

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