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[英]convert multiline string to line string

i have a set of data that needs to be in linestring only before being converted to geojson, tried using st_dump to convert the st_makeline portion of the code which works fine but then i am having an issue converting it back to geojson, here is the code " limited to select only on this dataset"我有一组数据只需要在转换为 geojson 之前位于线串中,尝试使用 st_dump 转换代码的 st_makeline 部分工作正常但是我在将它转换回 geojson 时遇到问题,这是代码“仅限于此数据集上的 select”

select geo from ( 
routeID ,  json_extract(st_asgeojson(st_makeline(array_agg(st_geogpoint(locs.lon, 
locs.lat) order by locs.date))),'$.coordinates' )as geo,
cross join UNNEST(locations) as locs
where  locs.date between {{start_date}} and {{end_date}} 
group by routeID 
order by routeID
limit 100
)where length(geo) -length(replace(geo,"[","")) > 1+2

this is the error when inserting st_dump这是插入 st_dump 时的错误

json_extract(st_asgeojson(st_dump(st_makeline(array_agg(st_geogpoint(locs.lon, locs.lat) order by locs.date)))),'$.coordinates' )as geo,


before json_extract在 json_extract 之前在 json 提取之前 after json_extract在 json_extract 之后从 geojson 中提取 json

ST_Dump returns an array of GEOGRAPHY objects, while ST_AsGeoJson converts a single GEOGRAPHY to string. ST_Dump返回一组GEOGRAPHY对象,而ST_AsGeoJson将单个GEOGRAPHY转换为字符串。 If the desired output shape is for each line in the multilinestring to be on a separate row, the query needs to flatten that array using UNNEST , similar to how locations are UNNEST 'ed here.如果所需的 output 形状是多线字符串中的每一行都在单独的行上,则查询需要使用UNNEST展平该数组,类似于此处对位置进行UNNEST编辑的方式。

Sample query样本查询

with sample_data as (
    select 1 id, st_geogfromtext('multilinestring((1 2, 3 4), (5 6, 7 8))') lines
select id, line
from sample_data d, unnest(st_dump(d.lines)) line


id  line
1   "LINESTRING(1 2, 3 4)"
1   "LINESTRING(5 6, 7 8)"

Although it isn't clear from the documentation, the flatten function in the PD Turfjs library does a very good job of this.尽管从文档中看不清楚,但 PD Turfjs 库中的 flatten function 在这方面做得很好。 Pass any "multi" class to it and it will simplify the array structure.将任何“多”class 传递给它,它将简化数组结构。 It returns a feature collection with the modified record as a member.它返回一个特征集合,其中包含修改后的记录作为成员。 Example of application here:这里的应用示例:

   'var pobject=JSON.parse(rec);
// flatten and stringify if MultiLineString
   if (pobject.geometry.type=="MultiLineString")
      var tmpobj=turf.flatten(pobject);

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