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LazyColumn 通知项目的修改

[英]LazyColumn notify about modification of item

I have a composable function that looks something like this:我有一个看起来像这样的可组合函数:

fun listScreen(context: Context, owner: ViewModelStoreOwner) {
    val repository = xRepository(getAppDatabase(context).xDao()
    val listData by repository.readAllData.observeAsState(emptyList())
    // repository.readAllData returns LiveData<List<xEntity>>
   // listData is a List<xEntity>
        items(listData.size) {
            Card {
                  Button(onClick = {updateInDatabase(owner, name = listData[it], hoursLeft = 12)}) {...}


fun updateInDatabase(owner: ViewModelStoreOwner, name: String, hoursLeft: Int) {
     val xViewModel....
     val newEntity = xEntity(name=name, hoursLeft = Int)

and as you propably can guess, the LazyColumn doesn't refresh after modification of entity, is there a way to update listData after every update of entity?正如您可能猜到的那样,LazyColumn 在修改实体后不会刷新,有没有办法在每次更新实体后更新 listData?


class xRepository(private val xDatabaseDao) {
    val readAllData: LiveData<List<xEntity>> = xDatabaseDao.getallXinfo()
    suspend fun updatePlant(x: xEntity) {

interface xDatabaseDao {
    @Query("SELECT * FROM xInfo ORDER BY id DESC")
    fun getAllXInfo(): LiveData<List<xEntity>>
    @Update(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
    suspend fun updateX(x: xEntity?)

modification of entity:实体修改:

fun updatePlantInDatabase(owner: ViewModelStoreOwner, name: String, waterAtHour: Int, selectedDays: ArrayList<Int>) {
    val xViewModel: xViewModel = ViewModelProvider(owner).get(xViewModel::class.java)
    val new = xEntity(name = name, waterAtHour = waterAtHour, selectedDays = selectedDays)

I use mutableStateOf to wrap fields that need to recomposed.我使用mutableStateOf来包装需要重组的字段。 Such as

class TestColumnEntity(
    val id: String,
    title: String = ""
    var title: String by mutableStateOf(title)


        setContent {
            val mData = mutableStateListOf(
                TestColumnEntity("id_0").apply { title = "cnm"},
                TestColumnEntity("id_1").apply { title = "cnm"},
                TestColumnEntity("id_2").apply { title = "cnm"},
                TestColumnEntity("id_3").apply { title = "cnm"},
                TestColumnEntity("id_4").apply { title = "cnm"},
                TestColumnEntity("id_5").apply { title = "cnm"},
            Column {
                Button(onClick = {
                    mData.add(TestColumnEntity("id_${Random.nextInt(100) + 6}").apply { title = "ccnm" })
                }) {
                    Text(text = "add data")
                Button(onClick = {
                    mData[1].title = "test_${Random.nextInt(100)}"
                }) {
                    Text(text = "update data")
                TestLazyColumn(data = mData, key = {index, item ->
                }) {
                    Text(text = it.title)

It works in my testcase它适用于我的测试用例

If you want to update lazy column (say recompose in jetpack compose) so use side effects.如果您想更新惰性列(比如在 jetpack compose 中重新组合),请使用副作用。 Put list getting function in side effect (Launch Effect or other side effects) when list is change side effect automatic recompose your function and show updated list.当列表更改副作用时,将列表获取功能置于副作用(启动效果或其他副作用)中,自动重组您的功能并显示更新的列表。

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