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Azure 对象锚点 - 支持摄影测量生成的模型吗?

[英]Azure Object Anchors - support photogrammetry generated models?

Is Azure Object Anchors intended to work with reality captured/photogrammetry sourced 3D models (textured meshes) or just CAD models? Azure 对象锚点是用于现实捕获/摄影测量来源的 3D 模型(纹理网格)还是仅用于 CAD 模型?

If AOA is intended to work with reality captured models, are there any additional considerations for pre-processing the models to be aware of?如果 AOA 旨在与现实捕获模型一起使用,是否有任何其他需要注意的模型预处理注意事项?

AOA depends on the geometry match of the object you are trying to detect. AOA 取决于您尝试检测的对象的几何匹配。 If the model is reality captured/ photogrammetry sourced, it will work as long as the outer shape matches that of the real world object.如果模型是现实捕获/摄影测量来源,只要外部形状与现实世界对象的外部形状匹配,它就会工作。 There should no special considerations for pre-processing, make sure the dimensions of the model and real world are 1:1.预处理不需要特别考虑,确保模型和现实世界的尺寸为 1:1。

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