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[英]Custom Container deployment in vertex ai

I am trying to deploy my custom container in vertex ai endpoint for predictions.我正在尝试在顶点 ai 端点中部署我的自定义容器以进行预测。 The contents of the application are as follows.申请书内容如下。

  1. Flask - app.py Flask - 应用程序.py
import pandas as pd
from flask import Flask, jsonify,request
import tensorflow
import pre_process
import post_process

app = Flask(__name__)

def predict():
    req = request.json.get('instances')
    input_data = req[0]['email']

    text = pre_process.preprocess(input_data)
    vector = pre_process.preprocess_tokenizing(text)

    model = tensorflow.keras.models.load_model('model')

    prediction = model.predict(vector)

    value = post_process.postprocess(list(prediction[0])) 
    return jsonify({'output':{'doc_class':value}})

if __name__=='__main__':
  1. Dockerfile Dockerfile
FROM python:3.7


COPY . /app

RUN pip install --trusted-host pypi.python.org -r requirements.txt 

CMD ["gunicorn", "--bind", "", "app:app"]

  1. pre_process.py预处理程序.py
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import re
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences

def preprocess(text):
    """Do all the Preprocessing as shown above and
    return a tuple contain preprocess_email,preprocess_subject,preprocess_text for that Text_data"""
    #After you store it in the list, Replace those sentances in original text by space.
    text = re.sub("(Subject:).+"," ",text,re.I)
    #Delete all the sentances where sentence starts with "Write to:" or "From:".
    text = re.sub("((Write to:)|(From:)).+","",text,re.I)
    #Delete all the tags like "< anyword >"
    text = re.sub("<[^><]+>","",text)
    #Delete all the data which are present in the brackets.
    text = re.sub("\([^()]+\)","",text)
    #Remove all the newlines('\n'), tabs('\t'), "-", "".
    text = re.sub("[\n\t\\-]+","",text)
    #Remove all the words which ends with ":".
    text = re.sub("(\w+:)","",text)
    #Decontractions, replace words like below to full words.

    lines = re.sub(r"n\'t", " not", text)
    lines = re.sub(r"\'re", " are", lines)
    lines = re.sub(r"\'s", " is", lines)
    lines = re.sub(r"\'d", " would", lines)
    lines = re.sub(r"\'ll", " will", lines)
    lines = re.sub(r"\'t", " not", lines)
    lines = re.sub(r"\'ve", " have", lines)
    lines = re.sub(r"\'m", " am", lines)
    text = lines
        #replace numbers with spaces
    text = re.sub("\d+"," ",text)
        # remove _ from the words starting and/or ending with _
    text = re.sub("(\s_)|(_\s)"," ",text)
        #remove 1 or 2 letter word before _
    text = re.sub("\w{1,2}_","",text)
        #convert all letters to lowercase and remove the words which are greater 
        #than or equal to 15 or less than or equal to 2.
    text = text.lower()
    text =" ".join([i for i in text.split() if len(i)<15 and len(i)>2])
    #replace all letters except A-Z,a-z,_ with space
    preprocessed_text = re.sub("\W+"," ",text)

    return preprocessed_text

def preprocess_tokenizing(text):
    #from tf.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
    #from tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
    tokenizer = pickle.load(open('tokenizer.pkl','rb'))

    max_length = 1019
    encoded_docs = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([text])
    text_padded = pad_sequences(encoded_docs, maxlen=max_length, padding='post')
    return text_padded
  1. post_process.py后处理.py
def postprocess(vector):
    index = vector.index(max(vector))
    classes = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
    return classes[index]
  1. requirements.txt要求.txt

  1. model model

  2. tokenizer.pkl分词器.pkl

I am following this blog vertex ai deployment for gcloud console commands to containerise and deploy the model to endpoint.But the model is taking forever to get deployed and ultimately fails to get deployed.我正在关注此博客vertex ai deployment for gcloud console 命令以将 model 容器化并部署到端点。但是 model 需要很长时间才能部署并最终无法部署。

After running the container in local host, it runs as expected but it is not getting deployed into vertex ai endpoint.在本地主机中运行容器后,它按预期运行但未部署到顶点 ai 端点。 I don't understand whether the problem is in flask app.py or Dockerfile or whether the problem lies somewhere else.我不明白问题是在 flask app.py 还是 Dockerfile 还是其他地方。

I was able to resolve this issue by adding health route to http server.我能够通过将健康路由添加到 http 服务器来解决此问题。 I added the following piece of code in my flask app.我在我的 flask 应用程序中添加了以下代码。

def healthz():
    return "OK"

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