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生成上传密钥时 keytool 错误:java.io.FileNotFoundException: my-upload-key.keystore (Access is denied)

[英]While Generating an upload key keytool error: java.io.FileNotFoundException: my-upload-key.keystore (Access is denied)

While Generating an upload key keytool error: java.io.FileNotFoundException: my-upload-key.keystore (Access is denied)生成上传密钥时 keytool 错误:java.io.FileNotFoundException: my-upload-key.keystore (Access is denied)


以管理员身份运行 CMD,导航到 C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk-17\\bin 并尝试再次生成上传密钥

The C:\\Program Files directory needs administrator privilege to write, you're storing .keystore into it. C:\\Program Files目录需要管理员权限才能写入,您将.keystore存储到其中。

Just move to another directory, eg: your workspace dir.只需移动到另一个目录,例如:您的工作区目录。

make sure that folder really exist.确保该文件夹确实存在。 And after run that with CMD然后用 CMD 运行


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