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Pyzbar:pyzbar 支持的 mime 类型和文件扩展名

[英]Pyzbar: mime types and file extensions supported by pyzbar

I'm trying to use the pyzbar library to decode barcodes from a video in a project.I want to list down all the file extension and mime types supported by zbar/pyzbar.我正在尝试使用 pyzbar 库从项目中的视频中解码条形码。我想列出 zbar/pyzbar 支持的所有文件扩展名和 mime 类型。 I checked it's documentation and github repository https://github.com/NaturalHistoryMuseum/pyzbar .我检查了它的文档和 github 存储库https://github.com/NaturalHistoryMuseum/pyzbar but didn't find much information about it.但没有找到太多关于它的信息。 can anybody help me to list down all the mime types and file extensions supported by pyzbar.谁能帮我列出 pyzbar 支持的所有 mime 类型和文件扩展名。 Thanks:)谢谢:)

After reading GitHub - NaturalHistoryMuseum/pyzbar: Read one-dimensional barcodes and QR codes from Python 2 and 3. Example Usage it looks like it is destined for working with files already processed into PIL 's Image or numpy.ndarray (loading done by OpenCV ) or pixels data as bytes with eight bits-per-pixel.阅读GitHub 后 - NaturalHistoryMuseum/pyzbar:从 Python 2 和 3 中读取一维条形码和 QR 码。示例用法看起来它注定要处理已经处理成PILImagenumpy.ndarray的文件(加载由OpenCV完成) 或像素数据作为字节,每像素八位。 Therefore right question is reading of which format is supported by PIL or OpenCV (depending on which one you use).因此,正确的问题是阅读 PIL 或 OpenCV 支持哪种格式(取决于您使用的是哪种格式)。

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