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Fonts Combobox名单中的名字 XAML c#

[英]Fonts names in the Combobox List XAML c#

I'm designing a list of Fonts, where I refer to Fonts.SystemFontFamilies, but also I want to include 3 custom fonts that exist in my MyDllProject project.我正在设计 Fonts 的列表,其中我指的是 Fonts.SystemFontFamilies,但我还想包括 MyDllProject 项目中存在的 3 个自定义 fonts。 First I add the SystemFontFamilies, and works good, then I add my custom fonts (Roboto, Abstractus and OpenSans) and these add them well to the list, but it gives me the prefix ./# .首先,我添加了 SystemFontFamilies,并且运行良好,然后我添加了我的自定义 fonts(Roboto、Abstractus 和 OpenSans)并将它们很好地添加到列表中,但它给了我前缀./# So, I would like to find a way to show the names of the font just like Abstractus, Roboto and Open Sans without nothing else.所以,我想找到一种方法来显示字体的名称,就像 Abstractus、Roboto 和 Open Sans 一样,没有别的。

The code of the comboBox is comboBox的代码是

if( _cmbFontFamilies != null )
            _cmbFontFamilies.ItemsSource = FontUtilities.Families.OrderBy( fontFamily => fontFamily.Source );


and the code for FontUtilities is FontUtilities 的代码是

  internal class FontUtilities
    internal static IEnumerable<FontFamily> Families
      foreach ( FontFamily font in Fonts.SystemFontFamilies)
          yield return font;
      foreach (FontFamily fontFamily in Fonts.GetFontFamilies(new 
          Uri("pack://application:,,,/MyDllProject ;Component/Resources/")))
          yield return fontFamily;

The result that I have.我得到的结果。 在此处输入图像描述

Each resulting FontFamily object returned by Fonts.GetFontFamilies has a friendly name of the form "./#Family Name" . Fonts.GetFontFamilies 返回的每个结果FontFamily Fonts.GetFontFamilies都有一个格式为"./#Family Name"的友好名称。 This friendly name sets a Source property of FontFamily and the value of Source property is returned by FontFamily.ToString() method.此友好名称设置FontFamilySource属性, Source属性的值由FontFamily.ToString()方法返回。

I would create a custom class FontName我会创建一个自定义的 class FontName

public class FontName
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Source { get; set; }

and return a collection of FontName by FontUtilities.Families .并通过FontUtilities.Families返回FontName的集合。 When loading custom fonts remove prefix "./#"加载自定义 fonts 时删除前缀"./#"

internal class FontUtilities
    internal static IEnumerable<FontName> Families
            foreach ( FontFamily font in Fonts.SystemFontFamilies)
                yield return new FontName { Name = font.Source, Source = font.Source };
            foreach (FontFamily fontFamily in Fonts.GetFontFamilies(new 
          Uri("pack://application:,,,/MyDllProject ;Component/Resources/")))
              yield return new FontName { Name = fontFamily.Source.Replace("./#", string.Empty), Source = fontFamily.Source };

if( _cmbFontFamilies != null )
    _cmbFontFamilies.SelectedValuePath = "Source";
    _cmbFontFamilies.DisplayValuePath = "Name";
    _cmbFontFamilies.ItemsSource = FontUtilities.Families.OrderBy( fontFamily => fontFamily.Source );


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