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附加标签未出现在图表 d3.js 中

[英]Appended labels not appearing in chart d3.js

Here's the bit of code I'm having trouble with:这是我遇到问题的一些代码:

    let sec = this.plot.selectAll(".line")
                  .attr("class", "stock");

                 .datum(d => ({
                     name: d.name,
                     value: d.values[d.values.length-1]
                 .attr("transform", d => {"translate(" + this.xScale(d.value.date) + "," + this.yScale(d.value.key) + ")"}
                 .attr("x", 7)
                 .attr("dy", ".3em")
                 .style("fill", "black")
                 .style('font-family', 'Helvetica')
                 .style('font-size', '11px')
                 .style('letter-spacing', '1px')
                 .style('text-transform', 'uppercase')
                   return d.name;

This is part of a Chart class.这是Chart类的一部分。 When I console.log sec , I get a selection object with 4 groups, 2 of which are empty (the other two are my axis objects).当我console.log sec ,我得到一个包含 4 个组的选择对象,其中 2 个是空的(另外两个是我的轴对象)。 My graph appears fine and addLabels() is called after the graph is made, and the line elements are classed correctly.我的图形看起来很好,并且在创建图形后调用了 addLabels(),并且线元素被正确分类。 If the issue is not apparent and you'd like the rest of the code, I'm happy to paste it in- Thank you.如果问题不明显,并且您想要其余的代码,我很乐意将其粘贴进去 - 谢谢。

Edit: I thought perhaps the issue might be in the fourth line (enter().append("g") so I used join("g") instead. This is the error I received:编辑:我想问题可能出在第四行(enter().append("g")所以我改用了join("g") 。这是我收到的错误:

d3.v6.js:1712 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: node.compareDocumentPosition is not a function
    at Selection$1.selection_order [as order] (d3.v6.js:1712)
    at Selection$1.selection_join [as join] (d3.v6.js:1686)
    at Chart.addLabels (chart.js:122)
    at Chart.draw (chart.js:31)
    at Chart.setData (chart.js:160)
    at init (plot.js:4)

Maybe this will provide further insight.也许这将提供进一步的见解。


let sec = this.plot.selectAll(".line")
                  .attr("class", "stock");

              sec.append("text") //literally just append instead of join lol
                 .datum(d => ({
                     name: d.name,
                     value: d.values[d.values.length-1]
                 .attr("transform", d => "translate(" + this.xScale(d.value.date)
                                                      + "," + this.yScale(d.value.key)
                                                      + ")"
                 .attr("x", 7)
                 .attr("dy", ".3em")
                 .style("fill", "black")
                 .style('font-family', 'Helvetica')
                 .style('font-size', '11px')
                 .style('letter-spacing', '1px')
                 .style('text-transform', 'uppercase')
                   return d.name;

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