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运行时错误:发现 dtype Double 但预期为 Float

[英]RuntimeError: Found dtype Double but expected Float

I'm writing a code for reinforcement learning using Python 3 and Pytorch 1.9.1.我正在使用 Python 3 和 Pytorch 1.9.1 编写用于强化学习的代码。

I post a question because I don't understand the error line.我发布了一个问题,因为我不明白错误行。 The error occurs on the line of the loss.mean().backward().错误发生在 loss.mean().backward() 的行上。

It is said that the dtype should have a float, but the double came in, but no matter how much the dtype is printed, it comes out as a float 32. What's the problem?据说dtype应该有float,但是double进来了,但是不管dtype打印多少,出来的都是float 32。有什么问题吗?

The code in question is as follows.有问题的代码如下。

def train_net_ap(self, idx):
    s, a, r, s_prime, done_mask, prob_a = self.make_batch(idx)
    print("a is ", a)

    for i in range(K_epoch):
        td_target = r + gamma * self.v_ap(s_prime) * done_mask
        delta = td_target - self.v_ap(s)
        delta = delta.detach().numpy()

        advantage_lst = []
        advantage = 0.0
        for delta_t in delta[::-1]:
            advantage = gamma * lmbda * advantage + delta_t[0]
        advantage = torch.tensor(advantage_lst, dtype=torch.float)

        pi = self.pi_ap(s, softmax_dim=1)
        pi_a = pi.gather(1, a)
        ratio = torch.exp(torch.log(pi_a) - torch.log(prob_a))  # a/b == exp(log(a)-log(b))

        surr1 = ratio * advantage
        surr2 = torch.clamp(ratio, 1 - eps_clip, 1 + eps_clip) * advantage
        loss = -torch.min(surr1, surr2) + F.smooth_l1_loss(self.v_ap(s), td_target.detach())

        print("loss is ", loss)
        print("loss dtype is ", loss.dtype)
        print("loss.mean() is ", loss.mean(), loss.mean().dtype)

The printed phrase and error message are as follows.打印的短语和错误信息如下。

loss dtype is  torch.float32 
loss.mean() is  tensor(6.1353,   grad_fn=<MeanBackward0>) torch.float32

Traceback (most recent call last):
  torch.autograd.backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph, inputs=inputs)
  allow_unreachable=True, accumulate_grad=True)  # allow_unreachable flag

RuntimeError: Found dtype Double but expected Float

The error says that it expected a Float data type, but it is receiving a Double type data, what you can do is change the variable type to the one required in this case do something similar to:该错误表示它期望 Float 数据类型,但它接收的是 Double 类型数据,您可以做的是将变量类型更改为在这种情况下所需的类型,执行类似于:


Or if you require a more precise float value or with a specific number of decimal places you could use this:或者,如果您需要更精确的浮点值或具有特定小数位数,您可以使用:

                                   (This is an example)
v1 = 0.00582811585976
import numpy as np
float(np.float32(v1))  #Convert to 32bit and then back to 64bit
'%.14f'%np.float32(v1) #This rounds to v2 if you're printing 14 places of precision ...

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