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R Shiny:带有复选框列和滚动条的小表格

[英]R Shiny: small table with checkbox columns and a scrollbar

I am trying to make a Shiny app using golem, but I am very new to this.我正在尝试使用 golem 制作一个 Shiny 应用程序,但我对此很陌生。 This time I just want to make a small table with checkboxes and a scroll bar, but I am not succeeding...这次我只想制作一个带有复选框和滚动条的小表格,但我没有成功......

This is the only thing I manage to make work so far (but even the scrollbar does not seem to show):到目前为止,这是我唯一设法完成的工作(但即使滚动条似乎也没有显示):

mod_saving_side_ui <- function(id){
  ns <- NS(id)

      DT::DTOutput(ns("my_marker_table"), width = "75%")

mod_saving_side_server <- function(id, r){
  moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session){
    ns <- session$ns

    output$my_marker_table <- DT::renderDT({
      marker_df <- data.frame(marker=LETTERS, positive="", negative="")
      marker_df$positive[1] <- "y"
      marker_df$negative[2:4] <- "y"
      marker_matrix <- as.matrix(marker_df)
      DT::datatable(marker_matrix, options = list(scrollY = TRUE, sDom  = '<"top">rt<"bottom">ip'), rownames = FALSE)

It produces this:它产生这个:


However I would like to accomplish 3 things:但是我想完成三件事:

  1. Have a scrollbar instead of the Previous 1 2 3 Next buttons有一个滚动条而不是上Previous 1 2 3 Next按钮
  2. Make the positive and negative columns have a checkbox per row使positivenegative列有每行一个复选框
  3. Have the positive checkbox preselected for the first row A , and the negative checkbox preselected for the 2:4 rows B , C , D为第一行A预选positive复选框,为 2:4 行BCD预选negative复选框

How to make checkboxGroupInput work in here and the scrollbar to show?如何使checkboxGroupInput在这里工作并显示滚动条? Thanks!谢谢!

Here's a partial answer, only focused on point 1. I think you should split this post into several ones, it's a bit discouraging when we see a list of things to do instead of a single question.这是部分答案,只关注第 1 点。我认为您应该将这篇文章分成几篇,当我们看到要做的事情列表而不是单个问题时,这有点令人沮丧。

Also, your example is not reproducible (we can't just copy-paste your code to make the app), so I made a basic app instead.此外,您的示例不可重现(我们不能只是复制粘贴您的代码来制作应用程序),所以我制作了一个基本的应用程序。

Basically, I remove the "1", "2", "3", etc. buttons at the bottom of the datatable() with the argument pageLength .基本上,我使用参数pageLengthdatatable()底部的“1”、“2”、“3”等按钮。 Only doing this produces a very long table, so I use CSS to specify its height (here I put 15em but it's your choice) and to make it scrollable.只有这样做会产生一个很长的表格,所以我使用 CSS 来指定它的高度(这里我放了15em但它是你的选择)并使其可滚动。


ui <- fluidPage(
        "#test {
          height: 15em !important;
          overflow-y: scroll

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$test <- renderDT({
    datatable(iris, options = list(
      pageLength = nrow(iris)

shinyApp(ui, server)

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