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Bootstrap 5 切换器未在移动视图中显示和工作

[英]Bootstrap 5 toggler not showing and working in mobile view

I have changed my boostrap from 3.3.7 to 5.2 and after that my navbar-toggler isn't showing in我已将boostrap从 3.3.7 更改为 5.2,之后我的导航栏切换器未显示移动视图 . . The normal web page view for my asp.net MVC project is我的 asp.net MVC 项目的正常网页视图是这里 . . I have used two menu - top horizontal with the username and logoff link and the left side-menu bar using this free template .我使用了两个带有用户名和注销链接的顶部水平菜单以及使用此免费模板的左侧菜单栏。 This template uses bootstrap 3.3.7 but when I updated my bootstrap to version 5.2, the navbar-toggler is gone in mobile view.此模板使用引导程序 3.3.7,但是当我将引导程序更新到版本 5.2 时,导航栏切换器在移动视图中消失了。

My BundleConfig for the menu is我的菜单 BundleConfig 是

    bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/menu").Include(

        bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/Menu").Include(

style.min.css/style.css is here in this link style.min.css/style.css 在此链接中

sidebarmenu.js is sidebarmenu.js 是

                    Template Name: Admin Template

                    File: js
                    // ============================================================== 
                    // Auto select left navbar
                    // ============================================================== 
                    $(function() {
                        "use strict";
                         var url = window.location + "";
                            var path = url.replace(window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + "/", "");
                            var element = $('ul#sidebarnav a').filter(function() {
                                return this.href === url || this.href === path;// || url.href.indexOf(this.href) === 0;
                            element.parentsUntil(".sidebar-nav").each(function (index)
                                if($(this).is("li") && $(this).children("a").length !== 0)
                                    $(this).parent("ul#sidebarnav").length === 0
                                        ? $(this).addClass("active")
                                        : $(this).addClass("selected");
                                else if(!$(this).is("ul") && $(this).children("a").length === 0)
                                else if($(this).is("ul")){

                        $('#sidebarnav a').on('click', function (e) {
                                if (!$(this).hasClass("active")) {
                                    // hide any open menus and remove all other classes
                                    $("ul", $(this).parents("ul:first")).removeClass("in");
                                    $("a", $(this).parents("ul:first")).removeClass("active");
                                    // open our new menu and add the open class
                                else if ($(this).hasClass("active")) {
                        $('#sidebarnav >li >a.has-arrow').on('click', function (e) {


Custom.js is Custom.js 是

                         /*jslint browser: true*/
                     /*global $, jQuery, alert*/

                     $(document).ready(function () {

                         "use strict";

                         var body = $("body");

                        // this is for close icon when navigation open in mobile view
                        $(".nav-toggler").on('click', function() {
                            $(".nav-toggler i").toggleClass("ti-menu");
                        $(".search-box a, .search-box .app-search .srh-btn").on('click', function() {
                            $(".app-search input").focus();
                     // ============================================================== 
                        // Resize all elements
                        // ============================================================== 
                        $("body, .page-wrapper").trigger("resize");

                        /* This is for the mini-sidebar if width is less then 1170*/
                        var setsidebartype = function() {
                            var width = (window.innerWidth > 0) ? window.innerWidth : this.screen.width;
                            if (width < 1170) {
                                $("#main-wrapper").attr("data-sidebartype", "mini-sidebar");
                            } else {
                                $("#main-wrapper").attr("data-sidebartype", "full");
                        $(window).on("resize", setsidebartype);

                         /* ===== Tooltip Initialization ===== */

                         $(function () {

                         /* ===== Popover Initialization ===== */

                         $(function () {

                         /* ===== Sidebar ===== */

                             height: '100%',
                             position: 'right',
                             size: "5px",
                             color: '#dcdcdc'
                             height: '100%',
                             position: 'right',
                             size: "6px",
                             color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'
                             height: '100%',
                             position: 'right',
                             size: "0px",
                             color: '#dcdcdc'

                         /* ===== Visited ul li ===== */

                         $('.visited li a').on("click", function (e) {
                             $('.visited li').removeClass('active');
                             var $parent = $(this).parent();
                             if (!$parent.hasClass('active')) {

                         /* ===== Login and Recover Password ===== */

                         $('#to-recover').on("click", function () {

                         /* ================================================================= 
                             Update 1.5
                             this is for close icon when navigation open in mobile view
                         ================================================================= */



My masterpage menu is我的主页菜单是

              <div id="main-wrapper" data-layout="vertical" data-navbarbg="skin5" data-sidebartype="full"
                 data-sidebar-position="absolute" data-header-position="absolute" data-boxed-layout="full">
                <!-- ============================================================== -->
                <!-- Topbar header --->
                <!-- ============================================================== -->
                <header class="topbar" data-navbarbg="skin5">
                    <nav class="navbar top-navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-dark">
                        <div class="navbar-header" data-logobg="skin6">
                            <!-- ============================================================== -->
                            <!-- Logo -->
                            <!-- ============================================================== -->
                            <a class="navbar-brand" href="@Url.Action("Index", "Sales")">
                                <!-- Logo icon -->
                                <b class="logo-icon">
                                    <!-- Dark Logo icon -->
                                    <img src="~/plugins/images/logo-icon.png" alt="homepage" />
                                <!--End Logo icon -->
                                <!-- Logo text -->
                                <span class="logo-text">
                                    <!-- dark Logo text -->
                                    <img src="~/plugins/images/logo-text.png" alt="homepage" />
                            <!-- ============================================================== -->
                            <!-- End Logo -->
                            <!-- ============================================================== -->
                            <!-- ============================================================== -->
                            <!-- toggle and nav items -->
                            <!-- ============================================================== -->
                            <a class="nav-toggler waves-effect waves-light text-dark d-block d-md-none mr-auto"
                               href="javascript:void(0)"><i class="ti-menu ti-close"></i></a>
                        <!-- ============================================================== -->
                        <!-- End Logo -->
                        <!-- ============================================================== -->
                        <div class="navbar-collapse collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent"

                            <ul class="navbar-collapse d-flex justify-content-end">
                                <li class="nav navbar-nav">
                                <li class="nav navbar-nav">


                <!-- ============================================================== -->
                <!-- End Topbar header -->
                <!-- ============================================================== -->
                <!-- ============================================================== -->
                <!-- Left Sidebar --->
                <!-- ============================================================== -->
                <aside id="side-menu" class="left-sidebar" data-sidebarbg="skin6">
                    <!-- Sidebar scroll-->
                    <div class="scroll-sidebar">
                        <!-- Sidebar navigation-->
                        <nav class="sidebar-nav">
                            <ul id="sidebarnav">
                                <li class="sidebar-item pt-2">
                                    <a class="sidebar-link waves-effect waves-dark sidebar-link" href="@Url.Action("Index", "Sales")"
                                        <i class="fa fa-columns" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                                        <span class="hide-menu">Dashboard</span>
                                <li class="sidebar-item">
                                    <a class="sidebar-link waves-effect waves-dark sidebar-link" href="@Url.Action("SalesChart", "Sales")"
                                        <i class="fa fa-bar-chart" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                                        <span class="hide-menu">Chart</span>
                                <li class="sidebar-item">
                                    <a class="sidebar-link waves-effect waves-dark sidebar-link" href="@Url.Action("SalesTable", "Sales")"
                                        <i class="fa fa-table" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                                        <span class="hide-menu">Grid Table</span>
                                <li class="sidebar-item">
                                    <a class="sidebar-link waves-effect waves-dark sidebar-link" href="@Url.Action("SalesGeoChart", "Sales")"
                                        <i class="fa fa-globe" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                                        <span class="hide-menu">Drill Down Map</span>

                        <!-- End Sidebar navigation -->
                    <!-- End Sidebar scroll-->
                <!-- ============================================================== -->
                <!-- End Left Sidebar ---->
                <!-- ============================================================== -->

                <div class="page-wrapper">
                    <footer class="footer text-center"> @DateTime.Now.Year  &copy; Bike Sales Analytics brought to you by developers.com </footer>


尝试将元素: <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>放在nav-toggler元素中(您可能没有注意到该图标,因为它是白底白字)

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