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如何使用 TinkerPop/Gremlin 处理图形数据的大型 .kryo 文件

[英]How to process large .kryo files for graph data using TinkerPop/Gremlin

I am new to Apache TinkerPop.我是 Apache TinkerPop 的新手。 I have done some basic stuff like installing TinkerPop Gremlin console, creating graph .kryo file, loaded it in gremlin console and executed some basic gremlin queries.我已经完成了一些基本的工作,例如安装 TinkerPop Gremlin 控制台、创建图形 .kryo 文件、将其加载到 gremlin 控制台并执行一些基本的 gremlin 查询。 All good till now.到目前为止一切都很好。

But i wanted to check how can we process .kryo files which are very much large in size says more than 1000GB.但我想检查我们如何处理 .kryo 文件,这些文件的大小非常大,超过 1000GB。 If i create a single .kryo file, loading it in console(or using some code) is not feasible i think.如果我创建单个 .kryo 文件,我认为在控制台(或使用某些代码)加载它是不可行的。

Is there any way we can deal with graph data which is pretty huge in size?有什么方法可以处理非常庞大的图形数据? basically i have some graph based data stored in Amazon Neptune DB, i want to take it out and store it in some files(eg .kryo) and process later for gremlin queries.基本上,我在 Amazon Neptune 数据库中存储了一些基于图形的数据,我想将其取出并将其存储在某些文件(例如 .kryo)中,并在稍后处理 gremlin 查询。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

Rather than use Kyro which is Java specific, I would recommend using something more language agnostic such as CSV files.而不是使用特定于 Java 的 Kyro,我建议使用更多语言无关的东西,例如 CSV 文件。 If you are using Amazon Neptune you can use the Neptune Export tool to export your data as CSV files.如果您使用 Amazon Neptune,则可以使用 Neptune 导出工具将数据导出为 CSV 文件。

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