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我在哪里可以看到我在生产中的 Laravel 配置:示例数据库连接,邮件服务器

[英]Where can I see my Laravel configuration in production: Example db connection, mail server

Where can I see my Laravel configuration in production?我在哪里可以看到我在生产中的 Laravel 配置? I need to confirm the connection string of the production Laravel app, as well as mail server and other configurations.我需要确认生产 Laravel 应用程序的连接字符串,以及邮件服务器和其他配置。

I can't find the config.php file.我找不到 config.php 文件。 I have a droplet in Digital Ocean an can access to it, but cannot understand the way this is being stored.我在 Digital Ocean 中有一个 Droplet 可以访问它,但无法理解它的存储方式。

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

You can see your Laravel DB connection, mail server, etc.. in the .env file which is present in the parent directory.您可以在父目录中的.env文件中看到您的 Laravel 数据库连接、邮件服务器等。 If those items are missing, then you can check them in the config/app.php file.如果这些项目丢失,那么您可以在config/app.php文件中检查它们。

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