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Groovy Spock:如何在不立即抛出错误的情况下将新异常传入 when 方法

[英]Groovy Spock: How do you pass in new Exception into when method without throwing error right away

I am trying to test a kafka error handler that takes in an Exception but as soon as I declare it in spock it actually throws it.我正在尝试测试一个接受Exception的 kafka 错误处理程序,但是一旦我在 spock 中声明它,它实际上就会抛出它。

def 'test example'() {
    service.emitError(new Exception('test exception'))

    // do some tests

I have tried declaring it in a wrapped java class and running that in main will NOT throw an error but if I pull it into spock it will process it incorrectly.我试过在一个包装的 java 类中声明它并在 main 中运行它不会抛出错误,但如果我将它拉入 spock 它将错误地处理它。

I am trying to see if I am doing it wrong or if I can't test this with spock.我想看看是我做错了还是我不能用 spock 测试这个。

With help from Jeff I realized that it was an error on mock kafka template.在 Jeff 的帮助下,我意识到这是模拟 kafka 模板的错误。 When you have to pass an exception into a mock (not sure if it is just KafkaTemplate specific) and the expected mock fails something bubbles up and my try catch caught that instead.当您必须将异常传递到模拟中(不确定它是否只是KafkaTemplate特定的)并且预期的模拟失败时,某些东西冒泡了,而我的 try catch 却抓住了它。 I recognize I should have posted the original code - and will in the future.我知道我应该发布原始代码 - 并且将来会发布。 This is testing on pre-refactored code that didn't have tests (not TTD)这是对没有测试的预重构代码(不是 TTD)的测试

I was missing .key('key') which was failing it.我错过了失败的.key('key')


public class KafkaErrorNotificationEmitter {
    private final KafkaTemplate<String, TopicMessageData> kafkaTemplate;
    private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
    private final TemporalConfig.TimeKeeper timeKeeper;
    private final String internalErrorTopic;

    public KafkaErrorNotificationEmitter(
        KafkaTemplate<String, TopicMessageData> kafkaTemplate,
        ObjectMapper objectMapper,
        TemporalConfig.TimeKeeper timeKeeper,
        @Value("${kafka.error.topic}") String internalErrorTopic
    ) {
        this.kafkaTemplate = kafkaTemplate;
        this.objectMapper = objectMapper;
        this.timeKeeper = timeKeeper;
        this.internalErrorTopic = internalErrorTopic;

    public void emitError(@Nullable KesMessageProperties kesMessageProperties, Exception ex) {
        assert kesMessageProperties != null;
        String entityName = kesMessageProperties.getEntityName();

        log.warn("Failed message ({}). Sending to KES.", entityName, ex);

        String key = kesMessageProperties.getMessage().getKey();

        try {
            TopicMessageData errorMessage =

        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Failed to send error ({}) notification for {}", entityName, key, e);

    private void sendEmitError(final TopicMessageData topicMessageData) {
        log.debug("Sending error message for: {}", topicMessageData);
        kafkaTemplate.send(internalErrorTopic, topicMessageData);



class KafkaErrorNotificationEmitterSpec extends Specification {
    KafkaTemplate<String, TopicMessageData> kafkaTemplate = Mock()
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper()
    TemporalConfig.TimeKeeper timeKeeper = Mock()
    String internalErrorTopic = 'kes.error.test'

    def kafkaErrorNotificationEmitter = new KafkaErrorNotificationEmitter(

    def errorMessage = 'Test exception'

    Exception exception = new Exception(errorMessage)

    def 'emitError throws uncaught NPE'() {
        def properties = new KesMessageProperties(message: null)

        kafkaErrorNotificationEmitter.emitError(properties, exception)

        0 * _
        thrown NullPointerException

    def 'emitError throws caught exception'() {
        def properties = new KesMessageProperties(
            message: new IKafkaMessage() {
                String getKey() {
                    return null

        kafkaErrorNotificationEmitter.emitError(properties, exception)

        1 * timeKeeper.nowZdt() >> { throw new RuntimeException() }
        0 * _

    def 'emitError success'() {
        def listenerType = 'test-error'

        def properties = new KesMessageProperties(
            listenerType: listenerType,
            message: new IKafkaMessage() {
                String getKey() {
                    return 'key'

        def now = ZonedDateTime.now()

        def errorData =
                //.key('key') // this is what was missing!!!

        kafkaErrorNotificationEmitter.emitError(properties, exception)

        1 * timeKeeper.nowZdt() >> now
        1 * kafkaTemplate.send(internalErrorTopic, errorData) >> Mock(ListenableFuture)


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