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[英]Unable to plot multiple lines in a single graph

I am having a weird issue, I am trying to plot multiple lines in a single graph but it is only one.我有一个奇怪的问题,我试图在一个图中绘制多条线,但它只有一条。 I am sharing the screenshot as you can see the close values are different in both.我正在分享屏幕截图,因为您可以看到两者的接近值不同。 It is not rendering binance graph as it seems to be overridden.它没有呈现币安图,因为它似乎被覆盖了。





The code is given below代码如下

# All Imports
import ccxt
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Connect binance
binance = ccxt.binance()
ftx = ccxt.ftx()
binance_btc_usdt_ohlcv = binance.fetch_ohlcv('BTC/USDT','1d',limit=100)
ftx_btc_usdt_ohlcv = ftx.fetch_ohlcv('BTC/USDT','1d',limit=100)
df_binance = pd.DataFrame(binance_btc_usdt_ohlcv, columns=['ts', 'o', 'h', 'l', 'c', 'v'])
df_ftx = pd.DataFrame(ftx_btc_usdt_ohlcv, columns=['ts', 'o', 'h', 'l', 'c', 'v'])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(df_binance['ts'], df_binance['v'],label='Binance')
ax.plot(df_ftx['ts'], df_ftx['v'],label='FTX')

# ax.tick_params(axis='x', colors='red')
  • Tested in python 3.8.12 , pandas 1.3.3 , matplotlib 3.4.3python 3.8.12pandas 1.3.3matplotlib 3.4.3

Existing Code现有代码

  • Works without any issues, however, 'Binance' is small compared to 'FTX' , which can be resolved with ax.set_yscale('log')工作没有任何问题,但是, 'Binance''FTX'相比很小,这可以通过ax.set_yscale('log')
df_binance = pd.DataFrame(binance_btc_usdt_ohlcv, columns=['ts', 'o', 'h', 'l', 'c', 'v'])
df_ftx = pd.DataFrame(ftx_btc_usdt_ohlcv, columns=['ts', 'o', 'h', 'l', 'c', 'v'])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(df_binance['ts'], df_binance['v'], label='Binance')
ax.plot(df_ftx['ts'], df_ftx['v'], label='FTX')

ax.set_yscale('log')  # resolve issues of scale with the y-axis values


  • Without ax.set_yscale('log') , 'Binance' still shows up on the plot没有ax.set_yscale('log')'Binance'仍然出现在情节上


  • The text code example in the OP used 'v' , but the issue was occuring with 'c' (in the screenshot). OP 中的文本代码示例使用了'v' ,但问题出在'c' (在屏幕截图中)。
    • The issue is df_ftx.c and df_binance.c are almost exactly the same, which we can see by using alpha=0.5 .问题是df_ftx.cdf_binance.c几乎完全相同,我们可以通过使用alpha=0.5看到这一点。
# plot dataframe
ax = df_binance.plot(x='ts', y='c', label='Binance', figsize=(8, 6), logy=True)
p2 = df_ftx.plot(x='ts', y='c', label='FTX', ax=ax, alpha=0.5)

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1.02), loc='upper left')


  • Given the scale of the y-axis, the difference is too small to differentiate the two lines.给定 y 轴的比例,差异太小而无法区分两条线。
>>> df_binance.c.sub(df_ftx.c)

0      1.00
1     -2.13
2      0.07
3     -2.44
4     -0.35
5      1.35
6     11.51
7     -6.17
8    -11.91
9     -2.86
10   -13.98
11    -7.40
12    -3.13
13     1.56
14   -15.52
15    -8.63
16     0.83
17    10.44
18     0.82
19    -0.95
20   -12.82
21    -2.54
22   -15.13
23   -14.46
24    -4.63
25   -12.60
26   -10.01
27   -17.00
28    -4.00
29   -16.00
30    -9.49
31    -5.18
32    -3.71
33    23.95
34    -4.71
35    -2.38
36   -11.53
37    -7.13
38   -10.78
39     1.85
40     0.01
41    -9.68
42     7.87
43     9.90
44    -4.65
45     2.83
46     5.91
47    -3.11
48   -14.48
49   -11.36
50    -0.86
51     2.64
52   -22.12
53    -8.10
54    -6.27
55    -3.69
56    -0.86
57     1.91
58     5.69
59     1.24
60    -1.27
61   -12.48
62    -1.59
63    -8.18
64     5.98
65    -6.26
66    -4.25
67    -2.38
68    11.38
69    -9.39
70    -4.74
71    -0.43
72    -9.36
73    -3.10
74    -0.65
75     1.54
76    -2.72
77    -1.90
78    -0.39
79    -9.10
80    -4.99
81    -6.06
82     6.99
83     0.00
84    -8.78
85     2.43
86    -2.28
87   -10.00
88    -9.65
89    -5.07
90    -1.00
91    -0.06
92   -28.58
93    -8.43
94    -8.67
95   -17.16
96    -3.41
97   -12.59
98    -1.85
99     5.99
Name: c, dtype: float64

Updated Code更新代码

df_binance = pd.DataFrame(binance_btc_usdt_ohlcv, columns=['ts', 'o', 'h', 'l', 'c', 'v'])
df_binance.ts = pd.to_datetime(df_binance.ts, unit='ms')  # convert column to a datetime dtype

df_ftx = pd.DataFrame(ftx_btc_usdt_ohlcv, columns=['ts', 'o', 'h', 'l', 'c', 'v'])
df_ftx.ts = pd.to_datetime(df_ftx.ts, unit='ms')  # convert column to a datetime dtype

# plot dataframe
ax = df_binance.plot(x='ts', y='v', label='Binance', figsize=(8, 6))
p2 = df_ftx.plot(x='ts', y='v', label='FTX', ax=ax, secondary_y=True)

ax.legend(loc='upper left')
p2.legend(loc='upper right')


  • Using logy=True instead of secondary_y=True使用logy=True而不是secondary_y=True
# plot dataframe
ax = df_binance.plot(x='ts', y='v', label='Binance', figsize=(8, 6), logy=True)
p2 = df_ftx.plot(x='ts', y='v', label='FTX', ax=ax)

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1.02), loc='upper left')


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