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Concat/Transpose/G​​roupby 熊猫专栏

[英]Concat/Transpose/Groupby pandas column

So I have the following DataFrame within pandas:所以我在DataFrame中有以下DataFrame

Column 1   | Column 2

Name       |  A
Number     |  B
Age        |  C
Name       |  D
Number     |  E
Age        |  F

Each Name, Number and Age grouped togther all relate to one feature and are repeated throughout the dateframe.分组在一起的每个姓名、编号和年龄都与一个功能相关,并在整个日期范围内重复。 I am and wondering what the best method would be to get it in the following format?:我想知道以以下格式获取它的最佳方法是什么?:

           Name | Number | Age
Feature 1    A  |    B   |  C
Feature 2    D  |    E   |  F

Any help would be appreciated as I'm stumped as to what function or method I would use!任何帮助将不胜感激,因为我不知道我会使用什么功能或方法!

This is a pivot, but you first need to create a label to group the sets of 3 rows together.这是一个数据透视表,但您首先需要创建一个标签以将 3 行的集合组合在一起。 If the data are clean enough such that the DataFrame is always ordered Name, Number, Age, Name, Number, Age, ..., you can cumsum a Boolean Series checking which rows are 'Name' to group them together.如果数据足够干净,以至于 DataFrame 始终按名称、编号、年龄、名称、编号、年龄等cumsum ,您可以cumsum布尔系列检查哪些行是“名称”以将它们组合在一起。

df['index'] = 'Feature ' + df['Column 1'].eq('Name').cumsum().astype(str)
#  Column 1 Column 2      index
#0     Name        A  Feature 1
#1   Number        B  Feature 1
#2      Age        C  Feature 1
#3     Name        D  Feature 2
#4   Number        E  Feature 2
#5      Age        F  Feature 2

df = (df.pivot(index='index', columns='Column 1', values='Column 2')
        .rename_axis(index=None, columns=None))
#          Age Name Number
#Feature 1   C    A      B
#Feature 2   F    D      E

Alternatively you could group every three rows together with integer division based on the length of the DataFrame.或者,您可以根据 DataFrame 的长度将每三行与整数除法组合在一起。

import numpy as np

df['index'] = np.char.add(['Feature '], (np.arange(len(df))//3+1).astype(str))

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