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p5.j​​s | 如何更改画布的大小?

[英]p5.js | How can I change the size of the canvas?

The code below wants to achieve the following:下面的代码想要实现以下目标:

  1. Create a 200x200 <video> with a live video capture使用实时视频捕获创建 200x200 <video>
  2. Ceate a 200x200 <canvas> of that video capture制作该视频捕获的 200x200 <canvas>
  3. Takes the first frame of the capture and append it as an 200x200 <img> on the page.获取捕获的第一帧并将其作为 200x200 <img>附加到页面上。
    let video
    let canvasSize = 200
    let PAUSE_DRAW = false
    function setup() {
      createCanvas(canvasSize, canvasSize)
      video = createCapture(VIDEO)
      video.size(canvasSize, canvasSize)
    async function draw() {
      if (video && video.loadedmetadata) {
        if (!PAUSE_DRAW) {
          // get a 200x200 from the center of the video and draw it on the canvas
          image(video.get(), 0, 0, canvasSize, canvasSize, x, y, canvasSize, canvasSize)
          let currentFrameAsBase64 = canvas.toDataURL()
          // append <img> with current frame as src
          document.getElementById('frame').src = currentFrameAsBase64
          PAUSE_DRAW = true

Here is the problem I'm having:这是我遇到的问题:

The <canvas> actual size is still 400x400. <canvas>实际尺寸仍然是 400x400。 It's only the image that I draw inside it that's 200x200.只有我在其中绘制的图像是 200x200。 As a result, when I get the base64 of the canvas and append it as an <img> , the img is also 400x400.结果,当我获取画布的 base64 并将其附加为<img> ,img 也是 400x400。 But I want the <canvas> and the <img> to be 200x200 as well.但我希望<canvas><img>也是 200x200。

How do I fix this ?我该如何解决 ?

You have not provided your HTML code, which is necessary.您没有提供您的 HTML 代码,这是必要的。 But if I understand you correctly, the video is not the size of the canvas.但如果我理解正确的话,视频不是画布的大小。
The canvas must have its size set in both the styles and attributes, so this is incorrect:画布的大小必须在样式和属性中设置,所以这是不正确的:

  canvas {
    height: 400px;
    width: 400px;

And this is correct:这是正确的:

  canvas {
    height: 400px;
    width: 400px;
<canvas width="400px" height="400px"></canvas>

Had to change setup() to:必须将 setup() 更改为:

function setup() {
  createCanvas(canvasSize, canvasSize)
  video = createCapture(VIDEO)
  video.size(canvasSize, canvasSize)
  video.elt.height = canvasSize
  video.elt.width = canvasSize

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