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[英]In Perl, how can I write the output of Dumper to a file?


Don't forget that you can specify the file handle to print to as in 不要忘记您可以指定要print的文件句柄

print $LOG Dumper( \%some_complex_hash );

or use File::Slurp : 或使用File :: Slurp

write_file 'mydump.log', Dumper( \%some_complex_hash );

Further thoughts: You might want to get into the habit of using: 进一步的想法:你可能想养成使用的习惯:

warn Dumper( \%some_complex_hash );

and redirecting standard error to a file when you invoke your script (how you do this depends on the shell). 并在调用脚本时将标准错误重定向到文件(如何执行此操作取决于shell)。 For example: 例如:

 C:\Temp> sdf.pl 2>dump


print FILE Data::Dumper->Dump($object);

The question is a bit unclear, but are you looking for something like this? 问题有点不清楚,但你在找这样的东西吗?

open my $FH, '>', 'outfile';
print $FH Dumper(\%data);
close $FH;

You can restore the data later by using eval . 您可以稍后使用eval恢复数据。

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