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[英]If statement to remove and replace a string

I'm trying to remove parts of a string that make it a strong so that it can become an integer.我试图删除一个字符串的一部分,使其变强,以便它可以成为一个整数。 Although, I also need to take into account the changes in the string.虽然,我还需要考虑字符串的变化。

I've tried to put this into a function;我试图把它放到一个函数中; here's what I have done:这是我所做的:

import numpy as np

def rem(x):
    data = []
    for i in x:
        if "m" in i:
            data.append(i.replace(".00m", '000000'))
        elif "Th" in i:
            data.append(i.replace("Th.", '000'))
    return data
data_array = np.array(['£67.50m', '£63.00m', '£49.50m','£90Th.', '£720Th.'], dtype=object)

>['£67.50m', '£63000000', '£49.50m', '£90000', '£720000']

How would I take into account that before m I'll also have numbers from 0-9?我将如何考虑在m之前我也会有 0-9 的数字?

I have tried this in my bigger dataframe but I get the following error:我在更大的数据框中尝试过这个,但出现以下错误:

TypeError: argument of type 'float' is not iterable类型错误:“float”类型的参数不可迭代

Which I'm assuming it's because the function does not take into account .50m, .20m ... ?我假设这是因为该功能没有考虑.50m, .20m ...

Using @Ptit Xav suggestion:使用@Ptit Xav 建议:

def rem(x):
    data = []
    for i in x:
        if "m" in i:
            xi = re.sub("[^\d]", "", i)
        elif "Th" in i:
            hi = re.sub("[^\d]", "", i)
    return data

You can use the substitution method sub in the package re :您可以使用包re的替换方法sub

import numpy as np
import re

def rem(x):
    data = []
    for i in x:
        if "m" in i:
            data.append(re.sub("(\.\d+m)", '000000', i))
        elif "Th" in i:
            data.append(i.replace("Th.", '000'))
    return data

I replaced this code:我替换了这个代码:

data.append(i.replace(".00m", '000000'))


data.append(i.split(".")[0] + "000000")

The output code is:输出代码为:

>['£67000000', '£63000000', '£49000000', '£90000', '£720000']

With conversion :随着转换:

if "m" in i:
    xi = re.sub("[^\d.]", "", i)
elif "Th" in i:
    hi = re.sub("[^\d.]", "", i)

I think that you can make it a little more robust replacing if "m" in i: and elif "Th" in i: with regular expressions.我认为你可以用正则表达式替换if "m" in i:elif "Th" in i:使它更健壮一些。

import re
import warnings
import numpy as np

RE_ENDS_M = re.compile('\.(\d{2})m$')
RE_ENDS_TH = re.compile('Th\.$')

def rem(x):
    data = []
    for i in x: 
        if RE_ENDS_M.search(i):
            data.append(re.sub(RE_ENDS_M, "\g<1>0000", i))
        elif RE_ENDS_TH.search(i):
            data.append(re.sub(RE_ENDS_TH, '000', i))
            warnings.warn("Ignoring data: %s" % i) 
    return data
data_array = np.array(
    ['£67.50m', '£63.00m', '£49.50m','£90Th.', '£720Th.', '1€50'],


# Outputs:
# UserWarning: Ignoring data 1€50
#  warnings.warn("Ignoring data %s" % i)
# ['£67500000', '£63000000', '£49500000', '£90000', '£720000']

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