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当拟合 nls.lm() 速率常数未拟合时 - 没有错误消息

[英]when fitting with nls.lm() rate constants are not fitted- no ERROR message

The whole problem is here: https://github.com/joschwrzr/linDiffModel整个问题在这里: https : //github.com/joschwrzr/linDiffModel

I am trying to fit a set of linear differential equations to a measured set of data using nls.lm() from minpack.lm in R. I took this blogpost as a draft.我正在尝试使用 R 中minpack.lm中的nls.lm()将一组线性微分方程拟合到一组测量数据中。我将这篇博文作为草稿。 But in this case there is only one system reservoir measured: C但在这种情况下,只测量了一个系统储层:C

However, when fitting the model with nls.lm() the rate constants k1 and kh1 are not fitted (first and second position of Par = ) at all- WHY?但是,当使用nls.lm()拟合模型时,速率常数 k1 和 kh1根本没有拟合( Par =第一和第二位置)-为什么?

fitval=nls.lm(par=fitparms, fn=ssq, lower = rep(0, 5), control = nls.lm.control(nprint = 1), df = df)

It. 1, RSS = 3.14177e-12, Par. = 1.77e-09 0.003 6.33377 2.33646e-05 2.19591e-05

It. 2, RSS = 3.14177e-12, Par. = 1.77e-09 0.003 6.33407 2.33646e-05 2.1959e-05

It. 3, RSS = 3.14177e-12, Par. = 1.77e-09 0.003 6.33407 2.33646e-05 2.1959e-05```


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