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Postgresql 将多个值提取到不同的列中

[英]Postgresql extract multiple values into different columns

I need your help with a survey.我需要你的帮助进行调查。 The raw table is in the following format:原始表采用以下格式:


I need to convert the information into columns however in some cases there can be multiple values for an answer.我需要将信息转换为列,但是在某些情况下,一个答案可能有多个值。

The desired output would be the following:所需的输出如下:


I managed to concatenate the answers into a list with the following code:我设法使用以下代码将答案连接到一个列表中:

'{' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG('"' || Question || '":' || Answer),',') || '}' AS key_value

Then using this column I could extract it with:然后使用此列,我可以使用以下方法提取它:

CAST(COALESCE(key_value::JSON ->> 'consumption_soda','0') AS INTEGER) AS soda_consumption,
CAST(COALESCE(key_value::JSON ->> 'consumption_water','0') AS INTEGER) AS water_consumption

However, when I wanted to extract soda_painpoints it will only return the first value.但是,当我想提取 soda_painpoints 时,它只会返回第一个值。 Could you please help me find an answer to my problem?你能帮我找到我的问题的答案吗?

First, to concatenate the answers into a jsonb object, you should use jsonb_object_agg(Question, Answer) AS key_value instead of '{' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG('"' || Question || '":' || Answer),',') || '}' AS key_value首先,要将答案连接到 jsonb 对象中,您应该使用jsonb_object_agg(Question, Answer) AS key_value而不是'{' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG('"' || Question || '":' || Answer),',') || '}' AS key_value '{' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG('"' || Question || '":' || Answer),',') || '}' AS key_value '{' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG('"' || Question || '":' || Answer),',') || '}' AS key_value . '{' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG('"' || Question || '":' || Answer),',') || '}' AS key_value

Then the Answer '1 5 8 7' for the soda_painpoints Question seems to be a string which concatenates a list of integers (1, 5, 8, 7) separated by a space character.那么soda_painpoints问题的答案 '1 5 8 7' 似乎是一个字符串,它连接了由空格字符分隔的整数 (1, 5, 8, 7) 列表。 In this case, you can store the Answer as a simple jsonb numeric value or as a jsonb array depending on the type of the Answer value :在这种情况下,您可以将 Answer 存储为简单的 jsonb 数值或 jsonb 数组,具体取决于 Answer 值的类型:

SELECT jsonb_object_agg( Question
                       , CASE 
                           WHEN jsonb_typeof(to_jsonb(Answer)) = 'number'
                           THEN Answer :: integer
                           ELSE regexp_split_to_array(Answer, '\s+') :: integer[]
                       ) AS key_value

Doing so, the value associated to the key soda_painpoints will be a jsonb array of integers.这样做,与键soda_painpoints关联的值将是一个 jsonb 整数数组。

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