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如何制作 rust websocket 客户端?

[英]How can I make a rust websocket client?

I've tried using different libraries and different implementations but I haven't been able to get a working WebSocket client/ listener in rust.我尝试过使用不同的库和不同的实现,但我无法在 rust 中获得一个正常工作的 WebSocket 客户端/侦听器。

I tried writing a handler:我尝试编写一个处理程序:

extern crate ws;

use ws::{connect, listen, Handler, Sender, Handshake, Result, Message, CloseCode};

struct Client {
    out: Sender,

impl Handler for Client {
    fn on_open(&mut self, _: Handshake) -> Result<()> {
        self.out.send(r#"{"action": "authenticate","data": {"key_id": "<API_KEY>","secret_key": "<API_SECRET>"}}"#);
        self.out.send(r#"{"action": "listen","data": {"streams": ["AM.SPY"]}}"#)

    fn on_message(&mut self, msg: Message) -> Result<()> {
        println!("message: {}", msg);

fn main() {
    if let Err(error) = listen("wss://data.alpaca.markets/stream", |out| {
        Client { out: out }
    }) {
        println!("Failed to create WebSocket due to: {:?}", error);

And I tried this too:我也试过这个:

extern crate ws;

use ws::{connect, CloseCode};

fn main() {
    if let Err(error) = connect("wss://data.alpaca.markets/stream", |out| {
        if out.send(r#"{"action": "authenticate","data": {"key_id": "<API_KEY>","secret_key": "<API_SECRET>"}}"#).is_err() {
            println!("Websocket couldn't queue an initial message.")
        } else {
            println!("Client sent message 'Hello WebSocket'. ")

        if out.send(r#"{"action": "listen","data": {"streams": ["AM.SPY"]}}"#).is_err() {
            println!("Websocket couldn't queue an initial message.")
        } else {
            println!("Client sent message 'Hello WebSocket'. ")

        move |msg| {
            println!("message: '{}'. ", msg);

    }) {
        println!("Failed to create WebSocket due to: {:?}", error);

To make sure that the connection I was trying to connect to wasn't the problem I wrote the same code in JS.为了确保我尝试连接的连接不是问题,我在 JS 中编写了相同的代码。 This does work.这确实有效。

const ws = require("ws");

const stream = new ws("wss://data.alpaca.markets/stream");

stream.on("open", () => {
    stream.send('{"action": "authenticate","data": {"key_id": "<API_KEY>","secret_key": "API_SECRET"}}');
    stream.send('{"action": "listen","data": {"streams": ["AM.SPY"]}}');

stream.on("message", (bar) => {

In both instances of the rust code the code compiles and runs but the on_open function and the lambda function is never called.在 rust 代码的两个实例中,代码都会编译并运行,但永远不会调用 on_open 函数和 lambda 函数。

Thank you in advance.先感谢您。

To anyone who is facing this same issue I would recommend using tungstenite and for async websockets tokio-tungstenite对于面临同样问题的任何人,我建议使用tungstenite和异步 websockets tokio-tungstenite

This is the code that ended up working for me:这是最终为我工作的代码:

use url::Url;
use tungstenite::{connect, Message};

let (mut socket, response) = connect(
).expect("Can't connect");

    "action": "authenticate",
    "data": {
        "key_id": "API-KEY",
        "secret_key": "SECRET-KEY"

    "action": "listen",
    "data": {
        "streams": ["AM.SPY"]

loop {
    let msg = socket.read_message().expect("Error reading message");
    println!("Received: {}", msg);

And this in the Cargo.toml:这在 Cargo.toml 中:

tungstenite = {version = "0.16.0", features = ["native-tls"]}
url = "2.2.2"

The problem I was facing was that the methods I was using were not meant for TLS streams but instead TCP streams.我面临的问题是我使用的方法不是用于 TLS 流,而是用于 TCP 流。 With tungstenite if you enable the native-tls feature both TCP and TLS streams are handles properly by the connect method.使用 tungstenite,如果启用 native-tls 功能,则 TCP 和 TLS 流都可以通过 connect 方法正确处理。

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