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如何从内存缓冲区创建 pySDL2 图像

[英]How to create a pySDL2 image from a memory buffer

I have a pySimpleGUI program that create an image from a memory buffer containing a JPEG image.我有一个 pySimpleGUI 程序,它从包含 JPEG 图像的内存缓冲区创建图像。

from PIL import ImageTk
image = ImageTk.PhotoImage( data=buf) # PhotoImage will detect a JPEG format
self.win["-IMAGE-'].update( data=image)

I want to convert my application to pySDL2.我想将我的应用程序转换为 pySDL2。
Since pySimpleGUI and pySDL are both based on PIL, I was expecting an easy conversion but I can't find a way to create a SDL image from a buffer.由于 pySimpleGUI 和 pySDL 都基于 PIL,我期待一个简单的转换,但我找不到从缓冲区创建 SDL 图像的方法。

Is there a way?有办法吗?

Not sure this works and is untested but might bring you down the right track.不确定这是否有效并且未经测试,但可能会让您走上正确的道路。 If you want more of the nitty-gritty behind this visit https://rubato.app/ .如果您想了解本次访问背后的更多细节,请访问https://rubato.app/ The full source code of the Image class is there. Image 类的完整源代码在那里。

def from_surface(surface: sdl2.surface.SDL_Surface) -> "Image":
    Creates an image from an SDL surface.

        surface: the surface to create the image from.

        The created image.
    # untested
    image = Image()
    image.image = surface
    return image

def from_buffer(buffer: bytes) -> "Image":
    Creates an image from a buffer.

        buffer: bytes containing the image data.

        The image created from the buffer.
    # untested
    rw = sdl2.SDL_RWFromMem(buffer, len(buffer))
    surface_temp = sdl2.sdlimage.IMG_Load_RW(rw, 1)

    if surface_temp is None:
        raise Exception(sdl2.sdlimage.IMG_GetError())

    surface = sdl2.SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat(surface_temp, sdl2.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, 0).contents

    return Image.from_SDL_Surface(surface)

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