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[英]In abaqus, how to output the maximum stress value at each time point without selecting an object

During the compression test, how to output the maximum stress value at each time point without selecting an object压缩测试时,如何在不选择对象的情况下输出每个时间点的最大应力值

Step&question I created a field output,MISESMAX maximum mises equivalent stress-submit this job-creat XY data-click ODB field output- select MISESMAX(i chorse intergration point in this part)then I save,but abaqus hint “At least one entity should be selscted”. Step&question 我创建了一个字段输出,MISESMAX 最大mises 等效应力-提交这个作业-创建XY 数据-单击ODB 字段输出-选择MISESMAX(我在这部分选择集成点)然后我保存,但是abaqus 提示“至少一个实体应该被选中”。

Goal I want to output Maximum stress value of each step in XY data,but the area of maximum stress value in each step will be different,so how to How to output XY value without selecting an area.目标我想输出XY数据中每一步的最大应力值,但是每一步最大应力值的区域会有所不同,那么如何在不选择区域的情况下输出XY值。

In order to create XY data , you must select the some or full part of the model.为了创建XY data ,您必须选择模型的部分或全部部分。 Hence the error from the Abaqus.因此,来自 Abaqus 的错误。 I find this method is slow for your application.我发现这种方法对您的应用程序来说很慢。

Alternatively you can use below method:或者,您可以使用以下方法:
In Abaqus/CAE: from Report menu -> select Field Output -> select appropriate Step/Frame -> select MISESMAX variable -> select position (If you want the nodal results then select Unique Nodal )-> In the setup tab check on Column Min/Max option.在 Abaqus/CAE 中:从Report菜单 -> 选择Field Output -> 选择合适的Step/Frame -> 选择 MISESMAX variable -> 选择position (如果你想要节点结果然后选择Unique Nodal )-> 在设置选项卡中检查Column Min/Max选项。

Please note this writes the field output data to the file for ONE frame only.请注意,这只会将场输出数据写入文件中的一帧。 and at the end of the file you will get to see the max value and it's position (If the position you selected is Unique Nodal , the node label will be written.).在文件的末尾,您将看到最大值及其位置(如果您选择的位置是Unique Nodal ,则将写入节点标签。)。 Similarly, you can repeat this process for each frame of the step.同样,您可以对步骤的每一帧重复此过程。 or you can use following code:或者您可以使用以下代码:

import displayGroupOdbToolset as dgo
import odbAccess
odbName = 'example.odb'; outFile = 'example.dat'
odb = odbAccess.openOdb(path=nm)
session.viewports['Viewport: 1'].setValues(displayedObject=odb)
leaf = dgo.Leaf(leafType=DEFAULT_MODEL)
session.viewports['Viewport: 1'].odbDisplay.displayGroup.replace(leaf=leaf)
for stp in odb.steps.keys():
   tframe = len(odb.steps['Step-1'].frames)
   session.writeFieldReport(fileName=outFile, append=ON, 
       sortItem='Node Label', odb=odb, step=0, frame=1, outputPosition=NODAL, 
       variable=(('S', INTEGRATION_POINT, ((INVARIANT, 'Mises'), )), ))

Please change the argument to variable option in above code as per your field output data.请根据您的字段输出数据将上述代码中的参数更改为variable选项。

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