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[英]How to output the time of each frame in ABAQUS through Python

I want to output Total Time/Freq in Abaqus to monitor Job.我想在 Abaqus 中输出 Total Time/Freq 来监控 Job。 Recently, I can output the maximum stress at every frame.最近,我可以在每一帧输出最大的压力。 Now, I want to know how to output frame time.现在,我想知道如何输出帧时间。

for step in odb.steps.values():
    # print('Processing Step:', step.name)
    for frame in step.frames:

        allFields = frame.fieldOutputs
        if (allFields.has_key(Stress)):
            isStressPresent = 1
            stressSet = allFields[Stress]
            if elemset:
                stressSet = stressSet.getSubset(
            for stressValue in stressSet.values:

                if (stressValue.mises > maxMises):
                    maxMises = stressValue.mises
                    juli = stressValue.magnitude
                    maxElem = stressValue.elementLabel
                    maxStep = step.name
                    maxFrame = frame.incrementNumber
                    if (isStressPresent):
                        zydatalist.append([maxFrame,juli, maxMises, maxElem])

It is not possible to get the time elapsed till the current frame directly.无法直接获取到当前帧所经过的时间。 To get it, we need 2 information viz.要得到它,我们需要 2 个信息,即。 totalTime and frameValue . totalTime时间和frameValue
totalTime - This is the analysis time spend in all the steps previous to the start of this step. totalTime - 这是在此步骤开始之前的所有步骤中花费的分析时间。
frameValue - This is the time for the current frame in current step. frameValue - 这是当前步骤中当前帧的时间。
So, the time elapsed till the current frame can calculated as, timeCurrent = totalTime + frameValue .因此,直到当前帧经过的时间可以计算为timeCurrent = totalTime + frameValue

step = odb.steps['Step-1']
t1 = step.totalTime # time till the 'Step-1'
for frame in step.frames:
    tinst = frame.frameValue   # time for the frame in the current step
    tcurrent = t1 + tinst
    print('Total time for the frame', tcurrent)


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