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UWP PDFTron pdf 查看器下一个上一个按钮修改

[英]UWP PDFTron pdf viewer next previous button modification

In PDFTron there is a next and previous buttons appear in the document viewer.在 PDFTron 中,文档查看器中会出现下一个和上一个按钮。 (UWP app). (UWP 应用程序)。 I have a requirement to place these buttons to the bottom of the screen and also scale it a bit.我需要将这些按钮放在屏幕底部并稍微缩放一下。 Does anyone have any idea how to do that?有谁知道该怎么做? (It looks like the buttons appear from the OS and not from the app) (看起来按钮是从操作系统而不是应用程序出现的)

<Border x:Name="PDFViewCtrlBorder">
         <Border Child="{Binding PDFViewCtrl}" />


Those buttons are part of the internal FlipView control inside the PDFViewCtrl .这些按钮是PDFViewCtrl内部FlipView控件的一部分。

There is no option to modify the style but you can hide those buttons and create your own custom button controls on top (overlay) of the PDFViewCtrl.没有修改样式的选项,但您可以隐藏这些按钮并在 PDFViewCtrl 的顶部(覆盖)创建您自己的自定义按钮控件。

To hide the FlipView buttons you can call要隐藏 FlipView 按钮,您可以调用

PDFViewCtrl.PreviousAndNextButtonVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

Also, make sure to update to the latest PDFTron's UWP SDK version to access the latest APIs.另外,确保更新到最新的 PDFTron 的 UWP SDK 版本以访问最新的 API。

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