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PDFTron UWP 校准问题

[英]PDFTron UWP calibration issue

downloaded PDFTron SamplePDFViewer and once application is deployed we are facing following problem 1)Using a measurement tool, when we measure a entity and then calibrate, the new scale and unit gets applied to the selected entity only.It does not get applied to the subsequent measurement entities we draw on the pdf下载PDFTron SamplePDFViewer,一旦部署应用程序,我们将面临以下问题1)使用测量工具,当我们测量实体然后校准时,新的比例和单位仅应用于所选实体。它不会应用于后续我们在 pdf 上绘制的测量实体

NOTE: This functionality is working for Android, xamrin and web platforms but not working on uwp platform注意:此功能适用于 Android、xamrin 和 Web 平台,但不适用于 uwp 平台

Do anyone know the solution有谁知道解决办法

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