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Chart JS 替换所有数据集数据

[英]Chart JS Replace All Dataset Data

I want to replace my chart data entirely with a new array of objects.我想用一个新的对象数组完全替换我的图表数据。 The chart data was replaced by new data but the chart is not updating after I called mychart.update().图表数据已被新数据替换,但在我调用 mychart.update() 后图表并未更新。 Is there any way to replace the entire data without destroying the chart?有什么方法可以在不破坏图表的情况下替换整个数据?

Here's my code:这是我的代码:

  Livewire.on('changeData', () => {
    myChart.data.datasets.data = @this.data;


Old Data旧数据


New Data新数据


This is because you are doing it wrong, the datasets field is an array containing all datasets so it doesn't contain a data field.这是因为您做错了, datasets字段是一个包含所有数据集的数组,因此它不包含data字段。 You need to target the specific dataset from which you want to replace the data like so:您需要针对要从中替换数据的特定数据集,如下所示:

myChart.data.datasets[datasetIndex].data = @this.data; // in case you only have 1 dataset you can just hardcode a 0

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