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将一个 function 的 output 转换为数组并将值输入到另一个 function 中的变量

[英]Converting output of one function into array and feed value into variable in other function in ruby

For one of ruby programming logic, am trying to convert the string output of one function into an array and from array have to feed the values to the variables declared in other function of the program For one of ruby programming logic, am trying to convert the string output of one function into an array and from array have to feed the values to the variables declared in other function of the program

//response.each do |instance |
  print "#{instance.private_ip_address}"
  print "\n"

This output should be converted into array and feed as values in separate function of same program此 output 应转换为数组并作为同一程序的单独 function 中的值提供

def run_me
    filter_pattern = '[w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6!="*#{array[0]}*"&&w6!="*#{array[1]}*&&w6!="*#{array[2]}*"]'

So that the output of filter_pattern, should be like below所以filter_pattern的output应该如下

# Mocked responses for the sake of the example..
responses = [
  OpenStruct.new(request_type: 'GET', private_ip_address: ''),
  OpenStruct.new(request_type: 'GET', private_ip_address: ''),
  OpenStruct.new(request_type: 'GET', private_ip_address: '')

data_of_ips = [] # Storing ips in this array from the loop for later usage in run_me method

responses.each do |instance|
  data_of_ips << instance.private_ip_address

# Now calling the run_me and pass the array as argument


# replace it in your filter like this
def run_me(ips)
  filter_pattern = '[w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6!="*#{ips[0]}*"&&w6!="*#{ips[1]}*&&w6!="*#{ips[2]}*"]'^Z

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