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如何从 python 的 spark df 中的字符串中删除特定字符(“)?

[英]How to remove specific character (") from string in spark df in python?

I have the following spark data frame我有以下spark data frame


"""Piotr is ""running"
"""Leo is ""running"
"""Marta is ""running"

I want the following sparkdf我想要以下sparkdf


"Piotr is ""running
"""Leo is ""running"
"""Marta is ""running"

Logic is if Piotr is in the string the first two " and last " will be removed.逻辑是如果Piotr在字符串中,前两个"和 last "将被删除。

You can apply a conditional substr , for the conditional clause you can use when .您可以应用条件substr ,对于可以使用的条件子句when

from pyspark.sql import functions as F

data = [('"""Piotr is ""running"', ), ('"""Leo is ""running"',), ('"""Marta is ""running"', )]

df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ("description", ))

df.withColumn("description", \
              F.when(F.col("description").contains("Piotr"), \
                     F.col("description").substr(F.lit(3), (F.length(F.col("description")) - F.lit(3))))\
  .show(200, False)

Output Output

|description           |
|"Piotr is ""running   |
|"""Leo is ""running"  |
|"""Marta is ""running"|

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