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[英]How to compare two JSON objects in Swift?

I have an json object and store it as initialData and after some changes in store the json object into another modifiedData.我有一个 json object 并将其存储为 initialData,经过一些更改后将 json object 存储到另一个修改后的数据中。 Now I am trying to compare two json object of initialData and modifiedData but i could not able to compare it.现在我正在尝试比较两个 json object 的 initialData 和 modifiedData 但我无法比较它。

Note: Here json object are dynamic value.注意:这里的 json object 是动态值。

Sample code:示例代码:

let jsonObjectVal = JSON(message.body)
let initialData = jsonObjectVal

In save action i have modifiedData object.在保存操作中,我修改了数据 object。

 let jsonObjectModVal = JSON(message.body)
 let modifiedData = jsonObjectModVal

 if initialFormDataJson == jsonObjectVal {
     print("json object are equal save handler")
   } else  {      
     print("json object are not equal save handler")

Any help much appreciated pls...非常感谢任何帮助...

Here's an example with a random data structure on how exactly you can do it:这是一个带有随机数据结构的示例,说明您可以如何做到这一点:

import Foundation

final class YourObject: Decodable, Equatable {

    var field1: String
    var field2: Int
    var field3: [String : Double]

    static func == (lhs: YourObject, rhs: YourObject) -> Bool {
        lhs.field1 == rhs.field1
            && lhs.field2 == rhs.field2
            && lhs.field3 == rhs.field3


let firstJSONString = """
   "field1":"Some string",
      "Some string":2
let firstJSONData = firstJSONString.data(using: .utf8)!
let firstObject = try? JSONDecoder().decode(YourObject.self, from: firstJSONData)

let secondJSONString = """
   "field1":"Some string",
      "Some string":2
""" // Same.
let secondJSONData = secondJSONString.data(using: .utf8)!
let secondObject = try? JSONDecoder().decode(YourObject.self, from: secondJSONData)

let thirdJSONString = """
   "field1":"Some other string",
      "Some string":3
""" // Differs.
let thirdJSONData = thirdJSONString.data(using: .utf8)!
let thirdObject = try? JSONDecoder().decode(YourObject.self, from: thirdJSONData)

print(firstObject == secondObject) // true
print(firstObject == thirdObject) // false

Note: You mentioned that the object should be dynamic, that's why it's a class .注意:您提到 object 应该是动态的,这就是为什么它是class的原因。 If you needed a value object, you would be able to use struct and avoid manual implementation of the == operator.如果您需要一个值 object,您将能够使用struct并避免手动实现==运算符。

It's just a start of course.当然,这只是一个开始。 Having a specific JSON structure in your hands you can always search for more complicated examples, internet swarms with them.拥有一个特定的 JSON 结构,您可以随时搜索更复杂的示例,互联网蜂拥而至。

Create a NSObject class or struct from the JSON and compare all the properties to check for equality and return true/false accordingly.从 JSON 创建一个 NSObject class 或结构并比较所有属性以检查是否相等并相应地返回真/假。 Equatable protocol will come in handy here. Equatable 协议将在这里派上用场。

class A: Equatable {
    func equalTo(rhs: A) -> Bool {
        // whatever equality means for two As

func ==(lhs: A, rhs: A) -> Bool {
    return lhs.equalTo(rhs)

For Compare 2 objects use === operator对于比较 2 个对象,请使用===运算符

for eg.例如。

let jsonObjectModVal = JSON(message.body)
 let modifiedData = jsonObjectModVal

 if initialFormDataJson === jsonObjectVal {
     print("json object are equal save handler")
   } else  {      
     print("json object are not equal save handler")

If you want to compare two completely arbitrary JSON objects (eg for unit testing), I'd suggest using the GenericJSON library.如果您想比较两个完全任意的 JSON 对象(例如用于单元测试),我建议使用GenericJSON库。 Add it to your project and/or Package.swift, and then (borrowing from @lazarevzubov's answer):将它添加到您的项目和/或 Package.swift,然后(借用@lazarevzubov 的回答):

import GenericJSON

// Assume `YourObject` is `Encodable`
let testObject = YourObject(field1: "Some string", field2: 1, field3: ["Some string": 2])

let expectedData = """
   "field1":"Some string",
      "Some string":2
""".data(using: .utf8)!

let expectedJSON = try? JSON(JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: expectedData))
let actualJSON = try? JSON(encodable: testObject)

XCTAssertEqual(actualJSON, expectedJSON, "JSON should be equal")

A nice bonus is that you don't need to add any otherwise unnecessary Decodable or Equatable conformance to your model objects.一个不错的好处是您不需要向 model 对象添加任何其他不必要的DecodableEquatable一致性。

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