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WindowBuilder 1.9.5 重新导入项目后不显示设计选项卡

[英]WindowBuilder 1.9.5 not showing design tab after re import project

After several test I found that this that I did previously in another project is not working.经过几次测试,我发现我以前在另一个项目中所做的这个不起作用。 In fact, a project I worked on a few months ago shows me this error of not showing the design tab.事实上,几个月前我参与的一个项目向我显示了没有显示设计选项卡的错误。

  • Create SWT/JFace Java Project创建 SWT/JFace Java 项目
  • Add Swing designer->JFrame添加Swing设计器->JFrame
  • The desing tab is visible设计选项卡可见
  • Remove project from workspace从工作区中删除项目
  • Import the project导入项目
  • The desing tab is not available设计选项卡不可用

I am using:我在用:

Version: 2020-12 (4.18.0) Build id: 20201210-1552版本:2020-12 (4.18.0) 内部版本号:20201210-1552

Some screenshots of what I said before.我之前说的一些截图。









¿Is this a bug or I am doing some wrong? ¿ 这是一个错误还是我做错了什么? A similar problem exists with WindowBuilder (08/2020-09/2020) but were fixed in previous version according comments. WindowBuilder (08/2020-09/2020) 也存在类似问题,但已根据评论在以前的版本中修复。 Thanks谢谢

EDIT: Solved编辑:解决

According to the screenshot, you opened the MainFraime.java file with the regular Java editor instead of the WindowBuilder editor.根据屏幕截图,您使用常规Java 编辑器而不是WindowBuilder编辑器打开了MainFraime.java文件。

Right-click the file and choose Open With > WindowBuilder Editor (see WindowBuilder Pro User Guide - Editing Existing Windows ).右键单击该文件并选择打开方式 > WindowBuilder Editor (请参阅WindowBuilder Pro 用户指南 - 编辑现有 Windows )。

Please note, since Eclipse 2020-12 (4.18) Open With >... no longer remembers the chosen editor to open that file next time .请注意, 由于 Eclipse 2020-12 (4.18) Open With >...不再记得下次打开该文件时选择的编辑器 This means double-clicking a file always opens the file with the default editor which is for *.java files the regular Java editor, not the WindowBuilder editor.这意味着双击文件始终使用默认编辑器打开文件,该默认编辑器用于*.java文件,常规 Java 编辑器,而不是 WindowBuilder 编辑器。

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