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使用 icalendar 获取重复事件

[英]Get repeating events with icalendar

I use the icalendar package to work with my downloaded google calendar .ics file我使用icalendar package 来处理我下载的谷歌日历.ics文件

I want to support recurring meetings, they have this line in the .ics file: RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=MO;UNTIL=20211224T225959Z;BYDAY=TH我想支持定期会议,他们在.ics文件中有这一行: RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=MO;UNTIL=20211224T225959Z;BYDAY=TH

I'm parsing all entries to my custom Entry-Class for further processing.我正在将所有条目解析到我的自定义条目类以进行进一步处理。 I do this with for entry in cal.walk() and check if the entry is a VEVENT .for entry in cal.walk()执行此操作,并检查该条目是否为VEVENT Is there a way without manually parsing this RRULE line and create new entries for every repeated calendar entry?有没有办法不手动解析这个RRULE行并为每个重复的日历条目创建新条目?

For example: I have something every week for the next 12 weeks and I want a unique entry for every week.例如:我在接下来的 12 周内每周都有一些东西,我希望每周都有一个独特的条目。

I read the documentation, but it's pretty limited and browsing the source code did not help.我阅读了文档,但它非常有限,浏览源代码并没有帮助。

After some more research, I found this package.经过一番研究,我发现 了这个package。 There doesn't seem to be an easy way with just icalendar .仅使用icalendar似乎没有简单的方法。

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