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打开队列管理器名称时遇到错误 =.... 原因代码 = 2354

[英]Error encountered on opening Queue Manager name = .... Reason code = 2354

First: I have two BizTalk applications.首先:我有两个 BizTalk 应用程序。 First one does polling from SQL server and send to an MQ queue, works fine.第一个从 SQL 服务器轮询并发送到 MQ 队列,工作正常。 The second processes a file and uses a dynamic send port.第二个处理文件并使用动态发送端口。 In the orchestration I have updated TOMQ(Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.Address)= QueuePath;在编排中,我更新了 TOMQ(Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.Address)= QueuePath; TOMQ(Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.TransportType)="MQSeries"; TOMQ(Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.TransportType)="MQSeries"; It grabs the file, processes it, sends the results to an output directory.它抓取文件,处理它,将结果发送到 output 目录。 (This works fine.) Then to MQ. (这很好用。)然后到 MQ。 MQ throws the error: Error encountered on opening Queue Manager name =.... Reason code = 2354. I checked and it is getting the correct queue path, but fails. MQ 抛出错误:打开队列管理器名称时遇到错误 =.... 原因代码 = 2354。我检查并获取正确的队列路径,但失败。 Anyone have any suggestions.任何人都有任何建议。 I've checked all I can think of.我已经检查了所有我能想到的。

I answered this question on this post: I have a BizTalk application with a dynamic send port that is set to "MQSeries".我在这篇文章中回答了这个问题: 我有一个 BizTalk 应用程序,它的动态发送端口设置为“MQSeries”。 Can I programmatically set its properties? 我可以以编程方式设置其属性吗?

Basically, I had to create a copy of my message, and add the MQSeries.dll as a reference to my project.基本上,我必须创建我的消息的副本,并添加 MQSeries.dll 作为对我的项目的引用。 I then I set the property like this.然后我像这样设置属性。


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