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Error encountered on opening Queue Manager name = .... Reason code = 2354

First: I have two BizTalk applications. First one does polling from SQL server and send to an MQ queue, works fine. The second processes a file and uses a dynamic send port. In the orchestration I have updated TOMQ(Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.Address)= QueuePath; TOMQ(Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.TransportType)="MQSeries"; It grabs the file, processes it, sends the results to an output directory. (This works fine.) Then to MQ. MQ throws the error: Error encountered on opening Queue Manager name =.... Reason code = 2354. I checked and it is getting the correct queue path, but fails. Anyone have any suggestions. I've checked all I can think of.

I answered this question on this post: I have a BizTalk application with a dynamic send port that is set to "MQSeries". Can I programmatically set its properties?

Basically, I had to create a copy of my message, and add the MQSeries.dll as a reference to my project. I then I set the property like this.


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