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编译器/链接器抱怨 function 定义在 C++ 中找不到

[英]Compiler/linker complaining about function definition not found in C++

I've done this so many times, yet the reason why Visual Studio is complaining about this escapes me.我已经这样做了很多次,但 Visual Studio 抱怨这个的原因让我无法理解。


#include "Manipulator.h"

Manipulator::Manipulator() {}
Manipulator::~Manipulator() {}

void proc(std::string p, int f, std::string c)
    // switch-case p to c based on f: 


Manipulator.h: (void -proc- has a curly underscore, and that's what's driving me up the wall.) Manipulator.h:(void -proc- 有一个卷曲的下划线,这就是让我陷入困境的原因。)

#include <string>

class Manipulator


    Manipulator() ;
    ~Manipulator() ;

    void proc(std::string, int, std::string);
    // function definition for 'proc' not found. 




#include "Manipulator.h"
int main() 
    Manipulator m; 
    m.proc(opdBMP, fxn, newBMP); 

    return 0; 

What is it that VS wants so that I can get a move on? VS 想要什么让我继续前进? It is telling me that there are two linker errors: LNK2019 and LNK1120 (unresolved external).它告诉我有两个 linker 错误:LNK2019 和 LNK1120(未解决的外部)。 (I used to keep track of these kinds of errors but lost the file as a log with these.) (我曾经跟踪这些类型的错误,但将文件作为日志丢失了。)

The compiler is correct in complaining, because the definition should be编译器在抱怨是正确的,因为定义应该是

void Manipulator::proc(std::string p, int f, std::string c) {

You just defined a free function instead of a member of Manipulator .您刚刚定义了一个免费的 function 而不是Manipulator的成员。

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