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无法从 D 驱动器 [OpenCV] [Python] 读取或写入图像

[英]Can't read or write images from D Drive [OpenCV] [Python]

Is there a way to write or read images on D Drive with OpenCV?有没有办法用 OpenCV 在 D 盘上写入或读取图像?

writing_directory = "D:/path/"
image_path = "D:/path/image.bmp"
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
cv2.imwrite(f"{writing_directory}written_image.bmp", image)

When I read the image, cv2.imread returns None.当我读取图像时, cv2.imread 返回无。 When I try to write on D Drive an image which I read from C Drive, it doesn't do anything.当我尝试在 D 驱动器上写入从 C 驱动器读取的图像时,它什么也没做。

you need to specify your path with r strings.您需要使用 r 字符串指定您的路径。

writing_directory = "D:/path/"
image = cv2.imread(r"D:/path/image.bmp")
cv2.imwrite(fr"{writing_directory}written_image.bmp", image)

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